Small announcement - I'm no longer God

Finally ditched the delusion for good. It just hit me that I haven’t thought about it in a serious, deluded way in a long time… Just small memories here and there about things I used to think about or feel or do. Mostly embarassement for my behavior to others.

But I’m letting go of the guilt and accepting I have a mental illness. I have a mental illness.

So long, grandiose delusion, hope we never meet again!
Take the demons and the aliens with you!

Thank you for reading this small announcement. Carry on!


I have unusual beliefs that ain’t never going away. They’re just in the background and I can live with that.


I thought I couldn’t get rid of this either… nor did I want to for a long time. But it kinda… puff


:ocean::beers::fishing_pole_and_fish::slightly_smiling_face: - :thinking::thinking: :innocent::roll_eyes::scream::dizzy_face::ghost::alien::robot::smiling_imp::eye::tired_face::confounded::rage::cold_sweat::fearful::cold_sweat::scream: - :thinking::thinking::sunglasses::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::nerd_face::rocket::rocket::rocket::weight_lifting_man:t5::weight_lifting_man:t5::weight_lifting_man:t5::ocean::full_moon_with_face::full_moon_with_face::santa:t3::sunglasses::sunglasses::slightly_smiling_face::smile::smile:


What an emotional ride indeed


I think @cj56 may have started their birthday drinking already !


It’s an amazing sensation to realize a delusion has finally left :whale: I’m so happy for you, Tilly :two_hearts:


Thank youuu :heart_exclamation: :heart: :heart_decoration:


good for you @Minnii i am glad you overcame it i know how hard it is

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Thank youuu @austinsdad

It sure helped to read that! It’s the encouragement I need.

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Glad I could help, really happy to know

I’m often told by the “running contridictory and impossible not to listen to commentary in my mind” that I am Jesus Christ, even when I’m saying this name out of frustration or depseration with something I hear “that’s who you are” But do I believe that? Even holding memories (but perhaps that’s what happens when the human mind breaks) of this making sense. No, I remain skeptic. I know having reviewed my records that if I told this truth and my rational way of dealing with it my words would be reversed and rewritten to make me look bad, so I don’t. That’s the nature of why their patients aren’t honest resulting in their dishonesty and mind games (other than an inability to relate to or make sense of who they are treating) making it impossible and even self defeating to be honest with them when they are under no obligation of the same creating this vicious and insane circle which I believe could be treated with a little rationality and mutual understanding or at least an attempt, but no.


Glad you don’t listen to the commentary

Glad to hear the delusion is fading out to dust :slight_smile: good job minni!

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Glad to hear it’s gone. I’ve never believed I was god but when unwell by belief in god has started to increase (my delusions have a theme of good and evil people). When I was in the hospital I met a patient who could do a good job of staying out of hospital unmedicated and he had the belief he was god but kept it a secret.

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Thank you @anon31257746 and @seriouslydisturbed

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I guess there’s a job opening now :-).


It’s terrible, it’s not even volunteer, you just don’t get paid. People ask for a bunch of stuff and you don’t even have powers!


thinking about 18 years ago and i just started to realize i was hearing things and the docs werent teasing me from the other room. the voices were clear as day. till just lately i thought the docs were saying " isnt this the guy the cia was looking for?" in the hall when i was strapped into a bed…

i thought they were messing with me. & im honestly still wondering… dang whys everyone bust my chops. lol.

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