Sleeping habits

I only sleep maybe 3-4 hours at night, and I sleep all morning and into the afternoon. I’m up at early hours in the morning from 3 to about 6 am in the morning. I spend all that time in prayer, meditation and on the computer. I don’t know how to change this schedule and neither does my pdoc. Any one got any ideas? I already take 6 mg of melatonin 3 hours before bed every night and Klonipin 1 mg before bed as needed. I’m also on 200 mg of Seroquel every night.

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I once read a book by OSHO which said that if you can’t sleep you should meditate in those early hours. So good on you!!! But I sleep 8 hours. Like 1030-630 usually.

You are on a lot of sleep inducing meds already, wouldn’t suggest more meds but I wish there was a way you can sleep more!

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Thank you, @Jonnybegood. It is now 600 am where I am and I’ve been up since 245 am. I think I will do as you suggest and meditate in bed now. I often fall asleep this way. Thanks.

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I never really sleep. They say it’s from my ptsd but I could sleep before that. I have always seen things that aren’t real, but i’ve not always had ptsd. I have never slept good. I get max 3 hours.


I’m so sorry, @Oliver. Are you male or female?

Im a female 19 years old

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Welcome to our forum, @Oliver. We are a great group of friends here. You will love us. I wish I could stay on my computer and talk with you but I need my sleep. There are others here you can talk with on other threads.


When it works why change it?

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thats cool nice meeting you


if what works? may I ask?


The sleepingpatterns of ginalovea. It works. Can’t change the medication but it seems Gina has peace.

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I have a bad sleep pattern too that I am trying to change. I basically can only really sleep between 3am and 9am. I lay down to sleep at 10:30pm when my mom goes to work but I feel so much anxiety about being alone that I can’t fall asleep. Plus the medication I’m on invega sustenna also gives me bad Insomnia and I’m up every hour that I do sleep. I think I get about max 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night. Sucks because I can’t sleep during the day.

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I take flurazepam and mirtazapine for sleep otherwise I’d have insomnia

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I stay up late and skip entirely every other day. I’m probably hurting myself but I can’t explain my compulsion to stay up. I can sleep if I want to, but I always fight sleep.

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You’re right @anon84157300. I do have peace. I am more well and at peace today than I have been my whole life. It does seem to work, but I don’t like the way I spend my whole morning sleeping. I’d rather sleep at night.

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It just might be my cat waking me up every night, of that I am not really sure. He is 15 years old, 76 in cat years. :cat: I’m not replacing him when he dies. I can’t have my pets interfering with my sleep.

Could you try changing your sleeping habits an hour a day or even a half hour a day? Like, go to bed a half hour earlier than you normally would? Then it wouldn’t be too hard to do. You could gradually change your patterns. This has worked for me in the past.

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I suppose I could try. I never can seem to get into bed any earlier than about midnight or 1230 am. I have so much to do at night because I spend all morning sleeping. Such a waste of good time.

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I like your avatar, @melmel7. Really cool.

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Awww, thanks. I just love this little kitty. He looks like a little pirate. :smiley:

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