Thats neat so you can’t be trusted anymore?
Aaahhhhahhh fu*k you mayn.
If this video doesn’t make you feel lonely, well good for you
You are a self admitted cyber bitch?
Ill just call you bitch when I refer to you.
Relax yo!
Are you talking to yourself here or what?
Good morning bitch how you doin now?
It’s 2015, welcome to cyber bitch world. I just run a machine bro. It’s whatever you want it to be…
you are the cog in the machine?
I can appreciate that im currently trying to get out of a machine myself.
Sorry dudes I didn’t mean to call you bitch it was the first thing that came to mind.
I wont do it again.
I wasn’t offended buddy
Thanks I really respect you,just im kinda overly medicated.
Awwww I respect you too. Are you self medicated??
Ok, back to sleep for 1.5 hours for me.
I deleted my dating profiles yesterday. I went in and say my p-doc and told him I was feeling bad and my symptoms were acting up and we were trying to figure out the cause so I said “I’ve been using these dating sites and it’s been pre-occupying my time and stressing me out.”
He told me something about how “He couldn’t find a match on a dating site”…and he went to Cornell and is a psychiatrist. And then everybody is faking it on those sites and it’s ridiculous. It was really causing me symptoms to act up and making me paranoid and depressed. So I deleted it now it feels much better.
Oh so sorry to hear! what happened to that girl that gave you her phone number? If I may ask
Lol she was a strange bird. There was a reason she went for me, a 25 year old community college student, rather than the 13 guys who “graduated from Harvard Law School”…on the site. I decided I didn’t really wanna talk to her…she just seemed off a little bit. Maybe I am too a little bit off but I feel I can meet a girl once the semester starts. I’ve never been ready for a relationship but now I am.
hey, you can’t say that. Maybe she just liked talking to you, those harvard guys are probably jerks and full of crap. don’t underestimate yourself. In my opinion. But anyway, good luck, I’m sure you’re gonna be successful.
I’m not a bitch. I’m the bitch.
And for you Ms Bitch
#bitch mode on#
Good morning princess
Sarad is back
Princess bitch, please
What’s up? Kind of a late morning here. 4.12 pm
Duuuude! What i found for you while i was
In exile!
Too bad i can’t post the link.
Im gonna buy it for your birthday
Oooooh what was it?