Single & dating

You are a chick right?

No, Smprz84 is a dude!

You didn’t see the pic of Her in the alien costume?

If im wrong man I have pie on my face.

Pie on your face unfortunately!

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She talk like a dude cuz she wants in.

Check the thread where everyone is posting pics of themselves,that looks like a chick to me.

Sometimes people post funny pictures from the internet in those threads. That was one of those times.

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So the tits are a figment of imagination? Im not saying its bad that someone would hide theirself ,I do it myself, im just saying.

You ever seen a pic of me?

Here’s Smprz84

Well unfortunately I guess the alien looks like they got tits.

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The alien is just a funny picture from the internet and wasn’t taken by Smprz84. It was just meant as a joke.

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After I ended my 11-year relationship in America I have been single over 15 years. Quite frankly I have not even tried to find a partner. I am following a wisdom told to me by one older Jewish guy who said that a partner comes if it happens without looking for any particular partners, So in 15 years no partners have arrived and I am ok with this. :smile:

What? Alien with tits?

No alien with breasteses ? …kinda disappointed, but hey! Todays a new day…maybe a alien WITH breasteses will show up.


The one posted by Smprz84 in this thread

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@smprz84 is beautiful, anyway he wants to be.

I hope you find work that won’t stress you out, yes cashiering is very hard. I know that UPS or places that do package and mail delivery are always hiring.

Oh yeah lots of laughs

I plan on staying single my whole life. I dont work well in teams. I always preferred playing tennis. I might change my stance if I ever meet an alien with boobs though. Bonus points if its an alien that lays eggs. That would be eggcellent


Ahahahahaha petester! I am a dude. I even have a wizard beard. I’m just cyber trans sometimes.