Have any of you seen them while psychotic, if so what were you experiences? I used to see them standing in the corner of my room when I was first psychotic.
I would see them out the corner of my eye. I just ignored them
They’re my more common visual hallucination. I saw them when I was a little girl too, but my mum thought they must be ghosts.
The bad thing about seeing them for me is I do believe in the supernatural, and shadow people are quite known in folklore and supernatural communities.
Even some people think shadow people are a type of alien. So I hate the idea that maybe I’m not hallucinating and I’m seeing a ghost or something else.
Apparently people can also see them from sleep paralysis or methamphetamine misuse.
I think mine must be hallucination though because I also see shadow dogs and frogs and other things, and that apparently doesn’t happen with the supernatural theories.
I used to see people who were dark and filled with stars. Is that a shadow person?
Sounds like a different entity. Shadow people are generally just black silhouettes of people.
I see shadow people, it’s my main visual problem, they get more frequent when I’m unwell, I tend to see them out the corner of my eye.
I’ve got a shadow man. He’s my companion.
I first saw him when I was psychotic in my twenties but he came back appearing slightly different in my thirties.
The meds try to push him away, but I’m clinging on for dear life to him.
One time I saw a small monster/demon thing with pointed teeth out of the corner of my eye that was out of site as soon as Iooked straight at it. This was right after I said “Maybe the hallucinations are demons.” I think the part of my brain that does this stuff was trying to freak me out, but it looked ridiculous, almost comical.
I see them too… I’m so used to them that I barely notice them any more, I’ve always wondered what they are though and why so many people seem to see them.
I see them and gremlins. Rebecca appears as q shadow person so does Phillip but Aaron and Devon appear as real people but I know they aren’t. Shadow people follow me whispering to me. I hate them.
I used to have a shadow person a few months ago whisper the word “hello” into my right ear. Which annoyed me a lot.
unmedicated ive seen moving shadows in the corners of my eyes that spooked me. i think some people without psychotic disorders have that though…my mom has reported it and she doesnt have any psychotic illness
Do you think they’re some type of paranormal type of thing since your mom saw them?
I dont really know what i think about them, but i know my mom definitely thinks its paranormal. shes 100% convinced its demons
When I was more sick than I am now, I used to see shadow men in black trench coats, fedora hats and with pistols following me everywhere I went. I thought they were assassins out to get me.
I see them often… and the amount of psychosis doesnt matter… i see them in my dreams…
I used to have them in my dreams too but that stopped.
I saw shadowmen with trench coats and fedoras too! Minus the pistols though
I see them a lot if I’m driving or in my room or they walk past in peripheral, but I try to ignore them, but sometimes I’ll ask what they want