Shadow people

From what I’ve gathered from other sources on the web, shadow people can typically look like black blobs hovering over people, humanoid figures, black blobs with red glowing eyes, hooded figures and the most common trench coat and fedora.

Seems like that’s pretty accurate for a lot of us

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Yes, I have seen them. I also saw a shadow flying figure that had a flowing ghostlike or capelike thing going on. I’ve seen different variations of shadow beings.

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I told my doctor I saw shadow people and his
reply was “I don’t know how to interpret that.”


When I first seen shadow people I’ve seen something similar to that, that would fly towards me with great speed and vanish.

Have most of yours experiences with shadow people been malevolent or do they just observe you?

Me, too. Except for one time, I was feeding my lizards and I saw one just walking past me to my sister’s room. I started talking to it, thinking it was my sister, and my sister answered from downstairs

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I hate them. Sometimes they talk to me, and other times, they’re just there, annoying the hell out of me

So, anyone seeing this please tell me that you feel like everyone can read your mind, too? I’m new to this and don’t really understand how this place works, but they can’t hear you, right?

I’ve had one whisper in my ear, but when I tried talking to it, it would never respond. Which is strange

do you feel like people can read your mind?

No I’ve never had that thought of people reading my mind.

Does anyone? I’m confused

They mostly observe from what I can tell. The one that flew just flew past me and disappeared.

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sometimes I think others can read my mind.

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