Shadows + people

i’ve been in a good mood lately. however, l have been seeing shadows. + i think there is someone next to me but in reality they aren’t there.

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I see little shadows sometimes… I’ve heard many others here describe it too.

like a small in height??

Well when I wasnt taking meds I would see shadow beings that weren’t there… Now at times I see little flickers of shadow out of the corner of my eyes

When you say shadows, I don’t suppose you are referring to shadow people. The kind that give you sleep paralysis? I’ve had my share of experiences with them, excuse the pun, but they are a nightmare =n=

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I sometimes see the faces of my assailants while I’m driving, it’s happened one or two times since I’ve been diagnosed in 2008. More for me is auditory hallucinations and tactile (touch) hallucinations. They’re very frightening sometimes.

I hear ya. Mine were mostly visual but I also heard things too

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I get it constantly, not easy I get frustrated sometimes and I’m getting weary of it all. Hopefully it’ll come to a head and these voices will learn their lesson.

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Maybe in our lifetime there will be a cure bro… But in the meantime we do our best and not hate ourselves right… We still have good to offer

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I get the sensation someone is next to me, most often it occurs when I’m waking up or falling asleep. It used to freak me out, but it’s a fairly common Tactile Hallucination.

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I get hit in the face by these officials and servicepeople hallucinations. It’s like I’m being harassed by the military and being told I have to go back. (Yeah right you know?) Anyways I ignore them and they get violent, so it’s frustrating.

I remember my ex wife telling me she saw shadow people one night. I couldn’t see anything it was just a normal room but she was frightened as hell I do remember that.

I woke up being kicked in the face by a hallucination too… Do you take any meds bro?

@Shadowdash I get them terrible…they are here all the time I see them sliding from shadow to shadow whispering waiting for the moon to come out…

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Which ones do you see? Is it ever the one with a white mask? He hounds me, sometimes he likes to leave me alone for a while just long enough that I can start to feel safe again and then he comes back worst then ever before.

Edited for content sorry @Minnii

Folks, these are hallucinations. It’s natural that we have common hallucinations, they’re representations of things we see and that are scary. They’re not similar entities or anything like that.

Please don’t fuel each other’s delusions.


Edited for content…sorry mods…

You gotta give use some wiggle room…its a documented illness waking up in the rem phase in a paralyzed state…its very scary…I have non sz friends who have it…its probably exaggerated due to our sz…but its probably better I shut up about it…its the only one that seems ultra resistant to meds…

Not really. I used to see them. I don’t see them anymore.