School is coming up + flat affect

They sit there, contemplating whether or not I am going to pick them up. I pick the international relations book up. Read the first paragraph with a Shakespeare quote and couldn’t get farther.

What’s wrong, I can’t read my school books, I showed up to see M. but told her I had somewhere else to go and said I just showed up so she wouldn’t show up at my house later. And now I’m about to message my therapist to tell her I can’t come in to see her this week.

How do you get the drive and wits about you to read these daunting text books?

And how to fix anhedonia?

Need a sharp mind for school!

coffee or caffeine helps me in a moderate amount. thats about all that seems to work for me. and it doesnt always work.

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thanks, you’re right about it only working sometimes. I have some sort of energy drink to have in the morning, to try to motivate me to go to this therapy appointment. Hope it helps in the yes, this is working department.

Take care.

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I rarely read my text books. In the past four years the only ones I read were the programming ones because that’s my major. Even those though I didn’t read cover to cover. I don’t have the concentration or attention to read. It hasn’t affected my grades as I have a 3.98 and will graduate in a month with honors. What I do is take the assignment and attack it task by task. I just research each task. YouTube is also very helpful. There are sometimes videos that accompany a text book also. Good luck. :sunny:

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I could never understand why the teachers would send us home with the work to read so many chapters in the book we had. I always thought and still do, that if I have to read this damn book to learn something then what the hell do I need a teacher for. I failed history because of this attitude, had to go to summer school just to graduate from High School. That is how Abraham Lincoln taught himself though. I like to be “taught” by a good teacher or I lose interest right away. May be that’s why I still don’t read books. I read bits and parts of them. Like how many ways does an author need to tell us the same thing over again in different ways of putting the same point or lesson across. I can’t even read the condensed booklets. Get to the point already. Just the facts please. We don’t need to hear ever little detail. You don’t need to write a book about a subject all the time.

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Yeah they urge us students to read long chapters weekly to get even more material for the exams, it’s a lot to remember, lectures and books. Am a little discouraged, and feel like it’s funny that SunGirl doesn’t require to read her books and she does fine, but you tried it, and ran into quarrels.

I canceled my therapy appointment due to anxiety and the other odd two or three negative symptom. I RSVP’d to a presentation about a political candidate. We’ll see if I go to that. I’m feeling panic mode. Get to get that off the brain. :frowning: