Do you read books

I do not read, I do not have enough concentration for reading.


Same here. I used to be a bookworm. That’s the one thing I really really miss being able to do. I’ve got an app that allows my phone to read aloud pdf files though.


Yeah. I’m trying to get back into it… I read a couple chapters of Fear and Loathing last month… The one of the notes from the underground more recently.

I’m thinking I’ll reread vonnegut. His principle was to keep it clear and simple. I’m just so used to worrying about life that I drift off mid-sentence. The content has depth to it though. I’ve got a growing reading list lying around.

It is a really healthy way to pass time and kill loneliness. So said a friend of mine.

Really takes the umph out of psychosis if you can get it right. On that note, I’ll add that Fear and Loathing sent me into a manic phase.

i like to read books and i m little bit curious about mathematic and geometry because these are help me clear my mind and allow me to make healthy logic


I do read a lot.

I’m a bit of a way through Franz Kafka’s The Trial for the second time, I don’t know when I first read it, but no I haven’t had the concentration lately to do a lot of reading. It comes and goes, I go trhough periods of reading a lot and then completely stop or read a chapter here and there.

I used to own and had read well over a hundred books which my parents sold at a yard sale when I moved out again, most of them I was told were bought up by one customer, a sociology grad student. I always hated school and dropped out the second week of junior year of high school, sophomore year being the only year I attended.

I’ve read a lot in the past, and I would like to get back into it. The last book I read was Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice.”

I read a lot…like too much…it doesn’t get in the way of my job, but I ALWAYS have a book on me somewhere if not two or three…currently rereading Song of the Lioness by Tamora Pierce. Its a four part series of books, fantasy in genre, but unlike most fantasy the main character is a girl (a girl not a woman, at least not until book three lol)

I have a hard time concentrating. I might try to read a series of books that I have read before and really enjoyed.

I read heaps of books.

I could read books on risperdal. I can’t really read books on Latuda I’m too wound up.

I enjoy reading articles and absorbing information when I’m interested and in that mode.

Books for entertainment never do it for me, though. My mind starts cherry picking the material and goes, “Let’s make this into a better story while listening to music.”

I used to read all the time. Now I can’t stay focused to read books.
I just signed up for audible but so far I haven’t finished any books there. I drift off focus. I have just gotten back into watching TV/Videos and I can focus on that where before like 6 months ago I couldn’t do that so maybe reading will come back too.

same here.

i am (was?) an avid reader, as my overflowing bookshelves will attest, but when i’m having a rough time mentally i simply cannot read. the noise inside my head blends too much with the story itself and i find myself lost, frustrated, confused. i actually stopped reading for close to three years because i couldn’t do it. felt terrible. like “flowers for algernon” terrible – i thought i was getting stupider! (still feel that way sometimes)

i have been enjoying watching foreign horror films on youtube, especially asian horror films. the subtitles make it a bit more like reading? and the subject matter / cultural differences make them very interesting to me. but if asked (right now) i would be more likely to choose a movie over a book or a tv show – i like tv shows but i like a solid cohesive storyline better, and i get bored if i watch more than two episodes of anything in a single day.

i like to listen to podcasts with many short stories in them, especially supposed real-life ghost stories. i listen to “real ghost stories online” on youtube almost every night. i used to read them on reddit a lot but lately those have become too long, too boring, too fake, or just too badly put together. ugh so picky

i am very slowly trying to read robert knaak’s “war of the ancients” trilogy. but we moved a bunch of books upstairs recently and now that book is buried, and i can’t start anything new without finishing it but i’m unwilling to dig for it… so… no reading for now.

I have to force myself to read. I had no problem reading the textbooks for my online classes.

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i love books! they make me happy :slight_smile:

I used to get so much pleasure from books. That is another thing that illness. Has taken from me.

I do read. I have the habit of having at least one book open on my computer and I read as I go along the day. The one I’m reading now, “The Man That Stares At Goats” it’s so funny!

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Before the Dx Sz,
I could read a book from cover to cover,
a newspaper front to back,
road advertisements,
Foreign movies with subtitles,
piles of papers,
anything and everything.

After Dx… well, nothing anymore,
and now in the last 3 years, my eyesight for reading has gotten very bad,
I can’t read anything without glasses-and I never wore them before in my life.
Not good.

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Before my more severe episodes, I was a bookworm. Now, I have zero attention span. Well, 1.5 attention span now that sarcosine has been added to my daily diet.

I survived college reading by learning to speed read (skipping certain function words and skimming for specific answers, not holistically reading for general understanding). I went through upper division undergrad and graduate school doing speed-reading. It is a handy tool, I think there are some free apps online that help you practice learning to speed read. I have one, forgot the name.

Now, I can read like fifteen, thirty minutes a day, but only with great will power and a strong dose of both sarcosine and piracetam (nootropics).

I tend to read short news articles throughout the day. That’s about it, lately. :confused: