I’m new here. I wanted to know if anyone would like to share their experiences or how they are able to cope with their schizophrenia when they are in a relationship with someone. I’m not on medication either. I’m trying to cope with this as much as possible but it gets overbearing at times and I’m tired and stressed out a lot. It’s hard to function at times and it puts a strain on my bf as well. He’s being strong and supportive for me which is great but I just would like to know about other experiences as well.
Honest communication is the most important tool when in a relationship. Knowing that you can communicate your shortcomings and that he is accepting and understands those limitations you need is quite important. Relationships in general are not easy but frankly I benefit from the love I receive from my girlfriend and she helps me feel more connected and normal to life - she’s very social so it puts me in many social situations. I always communicate my feelings or problems with her and we struggle at times but it’s a process and I’m glad to be part of it. Are you able to communicate honestly about yourself with him always and anytime?
Most of the times I can. I recently let him know about it. Most of the times, it’s stuff that would go on in my head if for example someone new comes into the picture. Let’s say a girl that might like him. When I think I’m okay…the voices just go off in my head, questioning certain things he would have said or them or things they might have done, ways they would have watched him etc. And then even after he’s explained things, when I’m alone, it all starts again. It’s been getting worse lately. Sometimes I try not to act on the voices and I tend to keep my distance from him hoping that it will pass otherwise I would go into this mode where I’m just unable to stop questioning him and I feel like a hole in my chest and I get panic attacks.
It just feels like a constant barrage in my head and I can’t escape it so I end up freaking out cuz I can’t control it. It’s not just one voice either.It’s about two to three voices.
my voices are a dialogue about me from voices I hear in the distance, but they’re also voices I hear from people close to me. I’m the center of attention and they just discuss me- it’s been this way for decades…but also I have faulty thinking about misinterpreting reality so it greatly behooves me to open up to my girlfriend and have their opinion so that I can gain perspective and also as you’ve mentioned - it’s also important to sort of deal with it ,only if you can - which is what I try and do - like if I feel depressed or have some anxiety and she asks ‘‘how I’m going’’ I like and say GOOD lol … so it’s a balance
Yeah. The hard thing about this is that it isn’t isolated. Everyone seems to have these different ways and perceptions so it’s hard to really uproot it and understand it fully. I’m fortunate that I’m on a break from school otherwise I don’t know how I would be dealing with it. It’s hard especially when I’m alone but he definitely makes it better. The hard part is when the episodes start and I’m trying to just focus on him and the voices keep bringing up stuff from the past (even before him) and mixing and merging and it’s like they are taunting. Feels like they just want me to be alone. They don’t want me to be happy. They have their own plans and it doesn’t involve my happiness. More or less, their interest is chaos and destruction.