Schizophrenia and relationships


Does anybody else’s schizophrenic internal voices mess with their relationships with their significant other?

I find my voice tries to make me feel like I don’t love my partner when the opposite is true. I care lots and love my partner. Yet my internal voice will say things to make me feel like I don’t love them.

Anyone else experience this?


I had a voice that would make rude jokes during sex, especially when I was having difficulties performing. But it mostly made my husband laugh when I’d tell him about it.


Do you have any voices criticizing your signifigant other?

My will say negative things about mine like calling her a harpie when it isn’t true.

I sometimes have intrusive thoughts that pick out the meanest possible thing to say to someone I love. I’ve learned to just unite it. I can’t control my inner thoughts, I can only control my actions.

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Thankfully, mine are completely incoherent, so if they were being mean, I’d never notice.

But I do get a lot of murderous intrusive thoughts. I just acknowledge them and let them pass.

Do your internal voices ever try and make you believe you are not in love with your husband? I get those thoughts but I don’t agree with them.

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No, nothing could ever convince me of that.

I struggle with a similar issue.

I wish I had advice,

But its still quite an issue for me.

Just know you’re not alone with this experience.

I experience this often. My voice have messed with my head I was certain for ages that I was a sociopath who didnt love anyone. I have a lot of love for my family.

That sucks. I feel schizophrenia makes you somewhat numb to relationships.

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