My dr says depression is the cause of my oversleeping. If that helps.
I always end up exhausted when depressed.
Good greetings
I am delighted that I slept well last night.
I have insomnia and take imovane.
Just having my morning coffee.
My boyfriend and I are having a chip roll with gravy.
Hot chips from our local shop in the plan.
Unhealthy but so delicious and we don’t have it that often.
Alien movies like Marvel used to trigger me but not anymore.
I tried 99% cocoa Lindt chocolate once, never again too bitter. I spit it out and gave the rest to my friend as he liked it lol I can handle up to 85% cocoa but prefer up to 70%.
If it is too nice and sweet everyone eats more! 90% is pleasant and good for me. Perhaps, 100% is too acrid for most, including me.
The great think about capitalism is that no matter what happens, if you’re smart, there is a way to benefit.
For example today is a great day to invest in coat hanger manufacturing companies.
I just finished The Act on Hulu. Very sad story
Oh goddammit I just heard the news F me and F this country
I am curious… But don’t tell me. It might make me very upset and anxious.
Sorry, @agent101g, that whatever it is happened. Eat something yummy or play a game, to take your mind off of it.
I’m about to start gathering our camping supplies. We’re going camping on Sunday night and Monday night. The campground allows doggies, so Wesley will be coming! We specifically chose a doggo friendly campground. Yay!
It’s all over the news and there will be plenty of rioting this weekend I suspect.
No ■■■■. This is so horrible beyond words. F the laws too. ■■■■■■■■!
Was supposed to help my dad this morning but he left without me even though I was up on time so I went back to bed. Whatever.
Gonna go to the store and post office after a while.
Had one hallucination today. Mood is good.
Saw one kitty on his bed.
Take care youse.
I chose rocky the hippo. Hes the runt of the litter but got a big heart
I hope I feel better by tomorrow. Today, I’m so low. Dark thoughts.
I hope you feel better soon… you deserve good things!
Thanks for the hippo … here’s a goat
Hope you feel better soon… hugs
Sending you waves of powerful sunshine karma.