Hi folks! And a good morning to you!
It’s 2:39 a.m. U.S. Eastern Daylight Savings time.
You know what to do!
Just say anything!
I just took a shower and feel so good in this climate…
Oh yeah first post, where is my badge ?
Good morning @An_the-c-ology !
Early riser, or already up?
Its 12:20 hours , whats your time ?
Good Morning @Michigan
It’s 2:49a.m. here.
I have trouble sleeping so for me this is about the best that i get.
Did you know most do wake up arround 3ish in the night, wonder why so,
I’ve always blamed it on my circadian cycle for getting up this early.
For me its from 3 to 4 when i wake up dont fall back a sleep.
My bad I guess it’s called circadian rhythm.
I blame the mighty rock, behind the seven mountains, where you only know the five bridges down by the waterfalls.
Interesting…very interesting
Today is Friday, June 24th. I move in to my new apartment on the 30th! So glad to be blowing this pop stand!
I’m going grocery shopping with my aunt today.i know big plans, huh?
Morning all. Sorry i havent been very supportive lately to the others on here and not really posted replies unless its about me - but ive “got issues” at the moment (lol) and my so called advice would have be coloured.
Saying that i bought some very expensive toilet cleaner yesterday, a bottle of vodka that went straight down it. Main triggers been anxiety - but i know that stuff will just make it worse.
Still havent bloody well learnt properly yet. AA Meeting Saturday morning - anxiety or not, ive got to drag my bum to it.
Good morning y’all, past 6 am, drinking coffee
I’m working 12 hours today, 8:30a-8:30p. It’s a long day, but I’ll get through it.
Well, baby human woke up at about 3:30, it is now 4:30. She’s back asleep but I will most likely be up for the day😴
abominable snowman & yeti = Bumbles bounces.
Feels like Chistmas now.
I just froze…
I was standing at the edge of the ladder around 20 feet high, and when i saw down i just froze, phew some how got down from there… had to cut down a branch… it was scary…
After which i was think why fear…?
Anyways i am dependent no one else is dependent on me, so why fear
This fear doesnt make sense…
Hello, anybody for a chat, what are you hoping for ? Why are you so happy?
I had to fill in an online form for my start of employment. Things have progressed since I last was employed.
Questions like:
Gender M/F/X
Does your gender on your passport correspond to your birth gender?