Have at it girls and boys
Post #1
My Cowculator says I have saved 372 lives:partying_face:.
Good stuff!
Hope you all are well .
I just took a sleeping tablet.
Hopefully will sleep soon.
Love sleeping
Awesome stuff.
Buddhism seems to have come into my life a bit lately.
I’m not a member of any religion but I digg Buddhism and have similar beliefs.
Hey guys, what’s up?
I just made and had two cups of coffee. I hope I don’t nap during the day.
Good. I have 2 cups in the morning, one cup after that, one or two in the afternoon
I usualy drink two cups of strong black tea or coffee in the afternoon. Otherwise I sleep all day.
I Awoke in a Dream And Kept Waking up With Each Blink
Hi Om! How are you feeling today?
I’m just vaping and having my morning coffee.
starting to think why do i stress so much over the stuff i do daily like practicing instrument, i am always too hard on myself and feel like it is my life goal and i need to be really good, than i overwhelm myself and give up. tired of this cycle of my brain with anything i do. none of it really even matters
up for another day. got to mow today. dad tried to fix the mower but it’s still not running properly. it’s running really slow for some reason. so it will take longer than usual. got about 15 mows left this season.
got the radio on, and eating lunch right now.
Not everything is schizophrenia. They seem to have made this a catch all word and it has bad connotations.
Bella is constipated. I’m still worried about her. She’s my baby.
yeah this is my covid avator lol. head in the sand.
Haha! I’m with ya on that. I can barely listen to talk radio these days without going into full blown paranoia mode.
so mom is still here. she may or may not go camping by herself for her bday. her bday is thursday. if she stays, we won’t be doing much, she doesn’t like to go out to restaurants for special occasions…bummer.
I’m feeling great. I had my haldol injection today
I usually drink a few cups of coffee or espresso or some gfuel through out the day to also stay awake.