So maybe we had this one before…but we didn’t have this cool pic!
First. Hurray
Congrats @Om_Sadasiva !
Third. 15151515
Yesterday my husband and I went window shopping at a big shopping mall. I came across a dress with nice flower pattern. So I tried it on. My husband said I looked elegant and younger on this dress. The price is about 70 US dollars. My husband said he could pay for me. I told him just wait a second. I took off the dress and tested the ventilation of the fabric. It turns out hard to ventilate. So I decided to give up. Otherwise my wardrobe will get a piece of garment that I hardly wear.
Baby human is up today at 3:45
Currently drinking an infused rockstar.
Hey guys.
I’m going to try and take a very long break from all social media. Not sure if I will go back on them.
It’s been really great using social media and being in the presence of everybody has been lovely.
But I think it is time I stop using social media as it is addictive.
Anyway, it is just something I’m attempting so don’t take me too seriously.
Best of wishes everybody
You need to learn moderation.
I tell you this because you may take a long year break and not have support when you need it. Then youll come back and binge on social media for a bit, feel gross about it again then take another massive break lol.
Ive done it. Others have done it.
Moderation is key
Lol baby human must be walking already now sprinting nevermind walking
Thanks LevelJ1.
I do see where you are coming from.
It’s just that it is addiction mixed with feeling low self confidence.
I have personal problems and they cause me to have anxiety related difficulty on social media.
My personal problems are getting worse which is why the social anxiety is getting worse.
But still I’m addicted at same time.
It’s just not really a good combination
Unless I decide otherwise , but probably good to stick to this if I can
Take care Mr Level
You will overcome it and find peace
Awww my gosh your kind haha
And I know many of us get paranoid so just want to be clear I got no problem with anybody on the forum and social media, it’s just I got personal problems that I’ve been letting pile up over the years
What are u addicted to?
Yeti 2: Return of the Yeti
Dad and I are going fishing this morning.
Should be fun.
He is jumptiong out his ass to do somethimg fun.
I googled that and actually got a hit.
Went for bloodwork the other day and they couldn’t find my vein in my arm so they had to take from my hand. I have a bruise on it now :<
that sucks =( i hope the bruise goes away soon.
Me too. I bet ice cream could help.