Say anything LXXV ☮️

Because I wanted to give the pills a chance to work, and I suspected the migraine was from too much coffee so I wanted to give it time to wear off.


I’m ok now, I have a little migraine hangover but nothing too bad

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That’s good. I’m glad you’re feeling mostly better.

How’s the job going? Was today the first day?

It’s going well, the material is understandable and I’ve made some friends :slight_smile:


I got some laundry done, also had a meal and walked on the treadmill. im ahead of schedule today because I woke up earlier than I would have liked this morning. I just got so bored last night so went to bed early.

so im thinking if I go back to work, it will just be 20 hours a week. maybe i’ll apply at the casino in town and wash dishes for the buffet. I’ve worked at the casino before and it sucks, I quit because they were working me more hours than I signed up for, but that was on the golf course. I may just get into my studies this year, and then try to go back to work next year.


Hi folks. Hope y’all are well. I’ve been up for a few hours now and just thinking about what to do today. Probably not a whole lot. I didn’t shower last night but I’m gonna hop in right now so I can feel that I’ve done one thing right today and go from there.

Peace from Skunky



I’m at my barber’s shop, waiting my turn. I’m next. Nothing special, just having it all buzzed off, as usual.

After this, I’ll see the nurse practitioner.

What are y’all up to today?


took 500mg of niacin. im just getting over my flush, I got all hot, red skinned, and itchy. it had been about a month since I had taken any. not since we left for vacation. nobody is using the stuff, I have a year’s supply left. it’s also supposed to be good for high cholesterol so I use it for 2 reasons. but I only take 500mg, instead of 1.5-3grams suggested. that just seems like way too much.

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Ahh! Nice and showered. That’s one thing out of the way. Next I’m going to clean up my living space. Maybe I’ll go to the library for something to do to get out of the house for a while. Probably should think about something to eat soon. Maybe I’ll make some sticky rice in the Instant Pot later.



I made soft boiled eggs for pre lunch (because Little LED gets super impatient and whiny when she has to wait for food to cook) and mac and cheese for lunch. I had half an egg and now I’m not hungry at all. I was going to make some gluten free noodles for myself, but now I think I’ll just have a cup of tea. Maybe I’ll get hungry later and have a snack or something.

I need to figure out how to deal with dinner tonight. We were going to go out for dinner, but we ended up having to go out last night because Little LED’s appointment took 2.5 hours, so we didn’t have time to come home and cook. So I need to figure out how to get dinner prepped to make it super fast to get ready when we get home.

Usually we eat at 5:30 in order to give us all enough time to eat and breathe for a minute before getting Little LED ready for bed at 6:30/7. But my appointment isn’t over until 5:15 and we probably won’t get home until 5:45. So I’m thinking taco salad or something. I can cook the meat ahead of time and then just microwave it when we get home. I can precut all the veggies so they’re ready to go. Should work.


I’m too depressed to get a shower (again) or change sk j guess km going to therapy in my pjs


My truck is in the shop, just sitting at home waiting, keep falling asleep


Can you take a wet wipe or wet cloth to your armpits and call it good enough? At least make sure you’re not too stinky.


I smelled myself, lol, and didnt smell anything but put on deodorant and body spray just in case


This place is so trashed. :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

I need to clean so bad but there’s so much to do and I can’t do half of it and it’s overwhelming.

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I need to unplug my tub drain and clean the tub :rage:

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Just finished my jobs for the day. I scarped all the slats and dumped the slurry into the tank I also replaced the straw in the calf creeps and in the new calf and mother’s shed. I was worried about her but she’s surviving albeit probably with a fever. Il have to wait to see if she gets any worse but for now she’s ok in on a load of straw. I had to pay the contractor for 2019 harvest as well, such a stormy night it is :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: the electricity went out last night and I had to hook up the generator for power for siss oxygen machine. I have a list of jobs I need to get done for this month including fencing a 6 acre field and another patch to keep cows in making it easy to load them. I also need to start reseeding because the first cut silage was very bad.I need to buy in silage. Cut up a tree into logs. Fix a water leak. also have a lot of coursework to get done. Just relaxing by the fire now, I pray I can get these jobs done and not sit around all day.


Chicken fillet roll
A slice of soda bread and a sweet


I miss the mania :tired_face: