Say anything LXXV ☮️

Well, I’m at the pharmacy, waiting. The nurse practitioner prescribed lisinopril for my blood pressure, replacing the hydrochlorothiazide.

I’m expecting maybe a half hour wait here at the pharmacy.


Ugh. I just went to refill my Cymbalta and I don’t have any refills left. Not sure why. My pdoc must have forgotten to give me refills last month. Boo. Hopefully he approves the refill request soon so I don’t run out.

I hate when ■■■■ like this happens. My mind goes wild with all the possible reasons even though it was probably just a mistake. But I’m over here thinking it’s some sort of malevolent plan to destroy me or ■■■■ with me or something. FFS. I hate this ■■■■.


Two and a half hours until my appointment. I took a bath yesterday, so don’t really need one, but I’m thinking about getting one anyways. Just to waste time and relax a bit. I need to put laundry away, though, because I don’t have any clean clothes in my dresser at the moment.

Downside to bathing more often is that I’m going through a lot more clothes and having to do laundry a lot more often now. Super dumb.


i feel good today, smoked a nice bowl of some cbd flower, now watching jojo rabbit. i plan on watching all of the recent oscar nominated movies eventually


I want to build a similar crush to this
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I turned 35 today. My oldest sent me a song called Mama by Anti-Core. It says Mama, we’re all going to hell. He did it to make me smile, I think cause got told by the pastor across the street that we’re godless heathens over here anyway when I complained about his church school parents blocking my driveway or parking in my driveway when I have to leave at 3pm to pick up kids.

So Kalick is now sending me more videos from school, just got a No Rest for the Wicked link, lol.


Happy Birthday!!!

Thank you @Mountainman
I’m getting group ■■■■ posts from my oldest and his friends now cause they didn’t realize I was his mom. He told them and I said as long as the FBI isn’t on my doorstep I don’t care what he says or posts, or what they send or post…my text messages are blowing up, lol.


Feeling so tired lately.

Have been finding that meditation helps me a lot with the tactile sensations and voices I have.

All I do is quite my mind, and listen to my breathing. After about 5 minutes every thing stops.

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I liked my therapist bit I dont think I’m staying with her. She said theres a more qualified therapist for treating OCD in the team, but hes on a long vacation. So I’m seeing her temporarily

Whoa. I’ve been such a sickly the past couple days I’ve been mostly sleeping.

Hope you all are doing well.

hugs from the Jimmy meister and I :wink: :hugs:


Hey Monte, are you feeling any better today?


Hi Leash!

Yes, I’ve been taking Nyquil and Tylenol the past couple days.

I need to take a hot shower here soon. For now I’m just drinking coffee. :slight_smile:


Guys I’m missing my rats so much :sleepy:


i feel good today, think ive reached a window with the benzo withdrawal or maybe my supplements are helping out, feel like i have my will to live back even if my life isnt perfect and i still am not at exactly where i would want to be

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lol i just realized i said i feel good today in two posts in a row i dont like when i feel like im repeating myself but it is so rare nowadays that i ever say that so i guess its a good thing


My programme is on, I don’t have to go out and check on any cows. The fire is on, I have limited voices. My mom and sister are staying in. I feel truly blessed


Cheers dude! It sounds like you’re having a good go of it, that makes me happy.

I’m wishing you well!

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where are you that your missing them?

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I live with my parents now but they’re with my ex. Couldnt bring them since my parents smoke and they’re highly suseptical to lung issues

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