wish i had a partner
I was hanging with a good crowd last night. I browned out though. I can’t party any more. Drinking infrequently just keeps the tolerance low.
Anyways mate you’ll find someone.
Patience pays off in the long run.
Um don’t think your likely to find one hang out here on a Saturday night. Hit the clubs\ bars etc Go get them tiger!
easier said than done
What’s stopping you?
everything, i looked up the ‘meet up’ site and there was something on tonight and it was a singles event but those things fill me with dread and it was too late to go, it was a nightclub but my feet are sore and i am just really worried about my health.
Might help to get out and get away from your health issues and problems for a bit. As sounds like you do need to recharge the batteries. As they say just do it.
You gotta quit thinking so much and just go. Setting expectations and constructing fear complexes is all your doing. Neither of these are necessary.
It’s a very schizoid thing to do. I’ve dealt with a lot of that kind of thinking in my past.
i cant, its too much for me @Dreamscape, i wish i could do it, just drop everything and go but i cant, i wish i had someone to go with but i havent, it sucks, i cant go alone.
You realize a lot of people feel the same way about those kinds of things and just hide it.
Yeah the secret to life is just to look like you know what your doing. No one ever does though. You’ll feel more comfortable and better once you get out of the house and through a bar or club door. That’s the pain barrier to break.
I used to feel the same way as you desperately badly. When I was at college it was like I was famished with hunger and I had walked into a bakery and was overwhelmed by the delicious smells but didn’t get to eat any of the delicious treats. That passed with time.
yeah, i do it a lot, its like i dont feel like i can have those things because they are too good or nice for me, i hardly got anything growing up.
Comon dude quit crying and hit the scene and chase it like a hound dog~!
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Is that supposed to be a spitting sound?
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Pickup Up Artist
i cant on my own man its hard enough doing it with someone than doing it myself, besides i tried it myself once and it didnt go down well and thats an understatement.