Sad lamp for bipolar depression

I have used sad lamps aka light therapy and the first time I did it I went manic as hell however I wasn’t on a mood stabilizer now I tried it another time while it was in the hospital and it helped my mood without slipping into mania I’m on the same meds I’m on now I wanna get another one also the weather is not helping because it’s been dark and gloomy and that always every single year affects me

What are your experiences

I use light therapy for 15 minutes every morning. Maybe start with 5 minutes and see how that goes.

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If you are planning to use an SAD lamp and you have bipolar then you should really consult a professional first.

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I agree however I just wanted peoples experience but next appointment I’m asking my doctor if it’s worth it she makes the decisions not me :laughing:

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A Happy Light is a necessity for the winters in Alaska. I have a huge one, 2 ft by 1 ft, hanging on my wall next to the couch. I put it on in increasing time increments as the winter progresses. It’s really helpful!

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I use light therapy glasses in the morning for 20 mins.

I dont use it for mood tho. I use it for sleep disorder. It regulates my circadian rhythm. Otherwise i revert to being a half awake zombie during the day.

I use Luminette 3 glasses. You can eat breakfast and walk around or whatever instead of sitting infront of a light box 12 inches away.


Is it a different type of lamp I didn’t know it had multiple uses

Its the same. Equates to 10,000 lux. Can be used for jetlag. Mood boost for sad, and sleep regulation

i forget if were allowed to post links to products. So @Voithos you can remove if needed.

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I didn’t know there were sad lamp glasses wow :hushed: technology improved every single year

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I need to try it. My vitamin D helps a lot too

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I use one. It helps me. :bug::bug::bug:

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It’s fine as long as you aren’t linking to and selling your own product or something you get associate revenue from.



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