Romantic love and hallucinations

Have Any of You experienced that the feeling of being in love has triggered hallucinations? Or psychosis?


Dont let sz take love away from you, ignore it. Its just trying to pull you back. I think whats happening is subconciously you dont feel you deserve love hence the voices, just say to yourself i deserve this when the vouces start. I get them when im safe and eating a good meal


The voices and such made me fall in love with someone. Yea.

I think I sort of had a crush on him.

But it was strengthened by the voices and such

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Welcome to the forum!!! I haven’t noticed that myself. But I’m happily married

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I had a big time crush once. My hallucinations came about pretty close after. I was stupid putting my priorities all to a girl-friend!!! It wasn’t her fault it was mine!!! But a whole lotta love made me disappointed and let down. When she didn’t like me back. I would say.

I already had psychosis but she told me to do things that were risky behavior and got me in trouble and made my situation way worse.

Maybe your story is different. I’m not sure 100% what you mean.

Is my post relatable??? Welcome to this forum btw!!


There’s a guy who I was crushing on pretty hard, and is intricately involved in my hallucinations. He was the first voice I heard. He’s still the nicest voice I have, but I don’t feel much for him anymore, which is even nicer. I wouldn’t call it love tho.


What does he say to you?

Thank you for your answers. It is difficul to describe my experiences. I don’t hear voices nor do I have visions. Once I was with my boyfriend, I felt like my body was changing into water. I also get the feeling that his colour of eyes were changing into my eyecolour (he has brown eyes. Mine are blue)
Then there is something spiritual to it. Normaly I don’t believe in Faith but This time I have the feeling that the universe has brought us together for reasons I don’t know yet. My boyfriend is an ateist and says that there Are No such things.

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He tells me he loves me, he wants to marry me. A lot of cheesy sht I never wanted to hear this way. He’s the one who touches me the most too.


Ofofof love :disappointed_relieved: 1515

Il bet he does. Sounds like a cheezy ■■■■■■■ alright, dont trust him though wont be long until he’s telling you to kill someone

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Nah, I don’t. But he does tell me not to trust the other voices, not to listen to them. He’s the one who’s actually been helpful in some regard, but I don’t give him more credit than I do myself.


Welcome to the forum!

I actually have the opposite experience, I find that having love in my life keeps me grounded and away from delusions


Its fcked up isnt it, sz. Sometimes they tell you to kill but dont actually give you thoughts about it only tell you to. I believe that the whole mind can be controlled (well 50:50) by someone else/thing/computer

Ps i dont want to triiger you! Sorry if i did

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Lucky you. It’s like I somekind can’t handle all these strong emotions. Though I did try that love have made me more grounded and happy like you describe it, with some of my ex boyfriends. But this time its very different.

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You girls are awesome and deserve love showers of flowers (cheesy alert)


No. Stop. Why :sob:


Is there Any more comments?

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Sz destroyed my emotions and love relationships. My gf left me after 5yrs bcz of my sz.

I’m sorry to hear that. Did she tell you which parts of the illness she found hardest to handle? I Hope you Are okay.

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