Religion enabling psychosis

Hey everyone, I have been hearing voices since last spring. They have been telling me several strange things such as I am a goddess, I am God, and even that I am an angel.

At the beginning of all of this I was practicing witchcraft and I also considered myself an atheist. I am taking respridone and I don’t really hear the voices anymore.

After all that I have been through I have decided to become a christian. I am wondering though if believing in anything like that will cause me to have a relapse. I am torn with what I want to believe and I am scared that the voices are going to get worse if I start believing in anything related to any kind of religion.

Religion is a major sort of trigger for me, but it’s not that way for everyone with psychosis. My guess would be that you’d have to find out for yourself. My advice if you feel genuinely about it, is to go through the process of getting yourself “saved” as they called it where I grew up. Accept Jesus into your heart, repent, get baptized, all that stuff, and then you will be saved even if you go on to experience a bunch of psychosis. “Being a Christian” isn’t really a thing, the word “Christian” is never mentioned once in the entire Bible. You don’t have to do any daily rituals, you don’t have to pray all the time, you don’t have to attend some establishment church, or think about it constantly. You could just be saved, be filled with the holy spirit and trust God to watch over you from there on out. No obsessing or obsessive behaviors. That would be my advice.


Hi. For the longest time I thought I was an angel and God was literally talking to me. That’s what led to my first and only suicide attempt because I believed God had a higher purpose for me in the afterlife. Anyway, I believe in spirituality rather than religion. I meditate and pray everyday but I don’t go to church. Too many bad memories of hearing voices while in church. But ever since I started meditating and praying my psychosis went down dramatically.

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It is so great to be able to go somewhere and talk and have people who know what I am going though!

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Being Christian is too mainstream…
Why dont u try some eastern religion

Religion was causing my psychosis to become related to the religion. I was already experiencing psychosis before I got really hardcore into it.
It eventually came to a point where Jesus was taking over my body and I was becoming Jesus. And other bizzare stuff.

I kinda think psychosis will intertwine with whatever your heavily focused on at the time. Like a core focus/belief

After all I’d been through ita made it virtually impossible for me to want to believe in anything magical or supernatural based

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Wrong. Its mentioned in the book of Acts. The passage says something like “…and they came to antioch and there were many believers, and the believers were called christians for the first time in antioch…” speaking from memory. So the word “christian” is there obviously and the first christians didnt live that far off from where jesus lived, if you think about it.

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Found it, Acts 11:26

Thank you for the info, I never knew about that.

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I have a voice that’ll be like “He’s Jesus Christ, that’s who you are” And I’m just like “No I’m not” and it’s like “You basically are” And whenever I here “we know who you are” it says “No, they don’t”

I don’t know, I do believe in past lives, but lol if I’m the savior that mission had to of been aborted long ago. (I don’t actually believe I am)

I went through a very religious time starting from when I was 23, I thought god wanted me to restore the Mormon church. I liked that church, but at the time I believed that the Bible was true, and I found that some Church teachings did not agree with the Bible. I have to tell myself now not to believe in God or spirits because of my psychosis.

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I accepted Christ since I’ve been sick. I really believe there’s something to sz and spirituality. If you have been involved in the occult you may have opened some doors to the spirit world that you regret. God is creator of all and has power over all. He has provided us with AP’s so don’t feel bad about using them. People get in trouble when they hear voices and think it’s God, but don’t know enough about him to recognize if it may be Him ,your sz,or an evil spirit of some kind. Best defense is to be knowledgeable about God ,have a good relationship with Him , and take your meds. I have found my relationship with God and the acceptance of his lifestyle is key to my recovery.


I looked and I walked away without making myself look like a dick… @chew @Moonbeam huh I’m practicing I’ll get there…


I had to give up religion completely, but now I have no hope of anything when I die. Since I have had psychosis and believed that I was a prophet, so I think that prophets like Jesus or Muhammad could also have psychosis and that God didn’t really talk to them.

No you should be fine God is with you ain’t he

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I just learned something new.I didnt know that religion could enable psychosis. It seemed like when I focused heavy on hearing Gods voice. I sometimes thought I heard the devil voice too. Or other voices. I came down with psychosis around the same time my Apostle told me God ordained me to me an prophett of the Lord.

I have a friend that thinks that to. That the Bible is written by a bunch of sz. I don’t see sz in the characters in the Bible accept those that were healed of madness by Jesus . Or there was king Nebuchadnezzar whom God allowed to fall in to madness to teach him a lesson. But Jesus did miraculous things and lived a pure life like no other. Split the calendar in two. Prophesied many things including his death and resurrection. The Jews prophesied and wrote about his coming for thousands of years prior to his birth. The Bible is our best documented history book and should be taken seriously. My healing of my illness had more to do with embracing Gods righteousness and recognizing that the evil that haunted me was not from him. I really came to the point that I believed my sz to some level was a spiritual battle. And my weapon against it was praying and AP’s. I hate that you lost your hope for an after life as that is a great comfort. Wishing to give you some hope.

Believe in the potato

Thy potato will bring balance to the food court :sunglasses: