I mean have you seen…heard or experience anything religious during psychosis?
My psychosis was exclusively religious delusions,
It was terrible.
Yep. I still have a lot of problems with religious content even years later.
Yes - I experienced a lot of religious psychosis.
When I first started experiencing psychosis it was almost always religious. I was afraid so I started looking up questions I had about it. The answers were often scientific. Now I study those sorts of things because interested rather than afraid. Due to that, I’ve come to consider myself agnostic. Psychosis now revolves around scientific theories which are A LOT less scary so it works for me.
Do you consider demons to be religious? I sometimes wonder whether or not I am either damned or possessed because I see demons. On one hand, I know that doesn’t make sense, but on the other, I can’t help but wonder.
Religion sometimes caused me gender confusion because there is very little reference to women and yet there is so much talk about love, which I always thought was a more feminine outlook.
Nope, religion has never really come into it. Maybe becausr it isn’t really my biggest focus in life.
My present (new) pdoc says there is “no such thing as religious delusions because who is to say whether it is real or not?” Who is he to say whether God is really talking to me or not, in other words? I like my new pdoc and his attitude.
I think there is such a thing as religious delusion, just that no one can prove it or disprove it.
That’s a dangerous attitude to have. That’s ■■■■■■ up for a psychiatrist.
I had delusions of grandeur regarding religion and my own identity. It caused me a lot of distress because it went against how I knew myself to be, I felt guilty at the idea of thinking I was somehow better than I actually was. And that type of awesome responsibility scared the hell out of me, thinking I had to save the world, etc. Worst overall psychosis I ever went thru, it started about 2-3 months after I stopped meds and snowballed for a year or two before I finally got help.
Yes, I was tormented by demons. I wanted to be a devout Christian but they would tell me that I actually belonged to Satan… It was really bad in my teens and early twenties. The good and bad part, for me, of having religious hallucinations and delusions is that it’s hard to “decide” what’s real and what’s not. That can be good because it kept fear at bay and I felt like I was in a spiritual battle. The bad is that I still struggle…I still have my companion angel with me, and I still see forms that I willingly interpret as angels and demons. Not tortured anymore, just possibly wrong sometimes…but not always.
It depends on the content, on the impairment it causes and on the response to aps. I think he is probably right about your case though.
I used to believe I was cursed by god. That I was created to go to hell.
I still think some strange things about god but it’s better now.
Thank you @zeno.
I have my own religion.
I find a lot of the religious delusions especially about being the messiah stem from something called self importance. But for the most part other then thinking God was guiding my experiences. Which I mostly saw and thought strange due to synchronisity. I have found answers to some of my delusions in the forms of spiritual conspiracy theories. Which explain a lot. So it’s not necessarily the delusion which is bad but the nature of it and how it affects you.
I have had spiritual delusions before, it was hard to deal with but when i got put on a better med i wanted to make sense of it and it was a battle, a battle between right and wrong, good and bad and i wanted to know how to win, my dad see’s me, he is still with me
I had a thought about it. My thoughts are sometimes unconventional…very often…
My pdoc said if someone who practices religion and goes overborder with it…they dont admit them in the hospital and they declair them healthy.