I had a very religious psychotic episode with visits from archangels, Saints, and direct words from God. As a result I read a lot of religious information (I was trying to work out what was happening to me) and found a man whose eyes looked like rings of fire so I thought I’d found Jesus Christ (just for the record the guy was a standup comedian - I loved the irony of this delusion in particular). I can see that these were hallucinations and delusions but find myself now that I’m well, wanting to go to church. I am curious about people who believe in these sorts of things and want to see what it would all mean for me. Has anyone else explored religion or had belief changes due to psychosis? Are people converted this way? I mean in no way to offend anyone who might be religious, I am just very curious.
i have had sex with jesus, which at first i just thought it was a dream. but oviously it was hallucinations but it felt real at the time. he would visit me when i lived alone and i had a lot of stress at work. xxxxxx
im not even religious xxx
I was an atheist, then had religious delusions, then became an atheist again. It was very stressful to believe in demons, angels and the likes. The sane me doesn’t believe in all of that. But I wasn’t fixed on one religion, I read about a lot of religions, and believed them all It’s interesting though, how I could change my beliefs so easily. A bit scary too.
Hope you don’t mind me asking, did you feel religious though when it happened because he was there? Or anti-religious?
I wasn’t an atheist before, I believed in something, I wasn’t sure what though. I guess that is kind of the same. I’m open minded which is probably why I’m feeling this way?
Well, if it helps, I just don’t know the truth about the mysteries of the universe I don’t need explanations either, I’m okay not knowing. I don’t believe my delusions, or in what others thought about it. Some people find comfort in religion and spirituality, that’s okay too. I find more comfort in science, philosophy and good fiction
all my psychotic episodes were based on religious beliefs…
Have they changed the way you view religion?
Since religious discussions are not allowed here, because they rile up other members and can be triggering, I’m going to ask to keep this discussion recovery oriented. I think it’s healthy to question one’s beliefs in favour of recovery, so I’m allowing it for now.
Sorry I’ll focus that way. Thanks @Minnii
I believed in demons etc before my first hospitalisation, so it just copper fastened my existing beliefs. My psychosis was very demon oriented.
Now I’m on meds, these beliefs don’t bother me, they’re still there, just in the background somewhat.
So, psychosis didn’t change my beliefs as I always had unusual beliefs anyway.
i felt a sense of belief and at peace if thats a feeling i suppose, but also i felt like it wasnt right, that i was having sex with him but he made me feel calm, but i had a sense of guilt as well/ like i had taken his virginity or something it was weird xx