Ready for snow!

you know what tomorrow is don’t you? 1st day of December. which is unofficially the start of winter in my world. I accept snow as a natural phenomena this time of year, but not before December. no snow on the forecast for the 10 day forecast, but im now prepared for it. looking forward to a few snowy days this winter. we didn’t get much snow last year, just an inch or two once or twice. thankfully I have a gravel driveway so no need to shovel the drive when it does snow.

just 3 short months of winter, then it will start slowing warming up in march, and I will start to think about my spring garden. plan on doing a lot of reading this winter as well. :partying_face:

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I kinda like snow too. It’s really beautiful. I can’t wait to have a garden too. What do u grow?

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I grow salad greens mostly. next year im thinking I will grow, kale, romaine lettuce, mustard green, hot peppers, onions and tomatoes.

also I have some perennial herbs like, peppermint, catnip, sage, marjoram, and thyme.

and lastly I may add some potato boxes.

in the past I have grown, kale, lettuce, carrots, sweet potatoes, turnips and turnip greens, potatoes, onions, peppers, basil, peas, and cabbage. I also have some blueberry plants over at mom and dad’s.

We are getting an ice storm today and supposed to get a lot of snow tomorrow into Tuesday.

I hate driving in the snow!

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yeah driving is no fun. but I don’t drive much. i’ll probably start hating snow again if I start working and have to commute to work. also nothing worse than scraping the ice off your windshield in the morning. I always do it before I get the car warm, because I do everything last minute.

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I grow basil, oregano, strawberries, green peppers and jalapeños. I’m planning on growing more stuff next year.

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