Does anybody here garden

I dug up my potato bed just now, no potatoes. Usually I get them every year. Only need to plant them once but maybe I should have this year. Hard to keep up on the weeds when your working and etc. today’s a lazy day. But at least I dug up the bed for 15 minutes
I don’t have much of a green thumb but it is therepuetic when I do work with the land.

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I just got a new house and am moving this week.

The yard is incredible and already has plant boxes,

So, I’m going to try.

I’ve never successfully grown anything, but this coming year will be the start of gardening.

I could do with some advice too!

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Very few potatoes for us this year. Too dry.

I have a little patio outside of my apartment with storage totes filled with dirt that I grow herbs in every year and a few plants. I grew Carolina Reaper peppers this year and gave the few they produced away as gifts. The growing season is so short in Fairbanks, Alaska, that it’s hard to grow much. But those peppers were great (Reapers are the hottest peppers recorded so far).


I don’t plant for food, but I’ve planted five baby trees in my yard, Spruce and Pine. One didn’t make it, but the other four are thriving after two years. I have a tiny baby Butterfly Bush that I planted one year ago, and it’s just a perfectly beautiful little miniature of an adult plant. And I have five Junipers that are doing well after being in shock and not growing for the first year… I love dirt and rocks and all my roses and lilacs and trees, etc. I touch them and tell them how beautiful they are, and it’s good for my soul. :evergreen_tree::deciduous_tree::sunflower::rose::heart: