R your voices believable?

Do they say things that you don’t feel you could have made up? Do they tell you things you don’t know where you got the knowledge from? Do they predict the future? Do they have nice tones to their voice? I used to get infuriated when they told me to “f- off” in the tone of voice of " have a nice day." My voices are sinister with a smile. The mind is so frickin curious! It makes me believe in the supernatural and it’s nothing but electric impulses.

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Even “reality” is brain functions.
Voices too

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I believe in non material consciousness too.


been a long time, but mostly my delusional, or true, thoughts,
came out in voices.

right after I came out online talking about my voices,
I was almost completely aware, family, friends, strangers,
wanted to ask, Why would you think that way about yourself?


They are believable because I react as if they were real.


Yes, I have been thinking about this…Why are they so believeable when it is the last voice I heard be it somone in my family in person or on the phone, my husband when he leaves in the morning or the lady at the pharmacy or conveniece store. Why am I so scared of them. Why can’t I just wrap my head around that they are not real. I guess it is because the voice is quicker than my own thoughts and I can’t seem to find anything to say to combat it. Not that I want to start talking to them. I feel like that is a slippery slope. I guess just stay on the meds until thet get this microbiome thing figured out.

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Yes. I do believe that I am really being spoken to. Always have, always will.


My voices were so stupid to say to my psychotic self that God exists and is in heaven having sex with Akame ga kill characters in a big orgy I burst out laughing and they punished me for laughing at God lol you can see how unbelievable they are

They were very serious about it and tortured me for a whole day for doing that I didn’t regret it it came out of nowhere.


It makes people believe the voices are real, hence they are real to the person expieriencing them. But even if you told aomeone what the

The fact that they inspire me with ideas and such used to make me feel like gosh this must be a Seperate personality oh perhaps a spirit!

But… Do dreams not also create personalities?

My dad would argue that dreams are to do with the spiritual world too…



during psychosis,
I went downstairs to go get in my car
to go to work

and I stood there over 5 minutes, maybe 10
before I opened the basement door,
convinced somebody was in the garage with a gun.

I don’t know how many times I heard,
“I’m going to kill you.”

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my voices alert me of future events i should avoid. when i am about to go do something they sometimes tell me it is not a good idea. They also alert me of when i should walk away from a situation. i confess i still have some fear towards my voices but it is decreasing more and more. they actually help me in many ways. unbelievable stuff. medicine will tell you this is chemical reactions but there is more to it. i think they are spirits and if I let negative energy enter then spirits related to that spectrum of energy may come by. It is as if spirits were all around and they can communicate with me. i have read articles about shamanism. i think there is a relation. it is quite fascinating.

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Yes, my “voices” tended to surprise me with their “insight”. Also, they did predict the future, sometimes successfully. Hence why, among a few other important reasons, I believed their content for far too long.

The only way to prove that “the voices” are distinct entities, is to make them explain or predict events verifiable by third parties. To my knowledge, that doesn’t happen outside of religious scripture.

However, when examined critically, it is within the range of human mind to extrapolate everything that “the voices” say. In the end, it is the person’s own mind. Exactly that.


God exists and is in heaven having sex with Akame ga kill characters in a big orgy

You, sir, are a man of cultur-- Em, I mean, I feel sorry for your mental illness. I also feel relieved that my own delusions are less… interesting.

On a more serious note, delusions tend to be internally consistent, like good fiction is. That does not make them real.


You give yourself too little credit. Your mind is capable of assessing the situation and coming to far reaching conclusions, psychotic or normal. The only difference is that when psychotic, your own thoughts and ideas appear somewhat as separate entities. Talking to the “voices” is talking to yourself. In critical condition, the individual will literally start to vocally talk “to themselves”, taking the roles of each voice and themselves at opportune turns. If you pay attention, maybe write the exact content of your “conversations”, and examine them, you will see this plainly.


I used to think that way but my voices are not simply reflexes of my subconcious. they are mostly from what is called here in Brazil malandros, which are kinda of outlaws with their own set of words and way to speak them, not necessary outlaws, it is sort of what you would call the smart guys, like mob guys, street smart i think it is the closest to a translation. I also hear voices very clear well spoken from other types of individuals, sometimes women more seldomly. I’ve tried logical explanations of which yours is the main theory but still they are diverse and messages vary greatly. I am more inclined to believe they are actually spirits. For example, I do computer programming and when i am working i have a voice that says ‘gonna die’ everytime i am about to make a mistake, before. it actually helps me produce more efficiently. i learned to coop with it instead of fighting it or fearing it. it is all very fantastic and i am greatful actually for having these phenomena happening. i used to be terrified but i came to find out when voices are unintelligible your state of mind defines if they come up scary or benevolent. In these cases I hear a whisper that can be interpreted for good or bad. i learned to interpret them for good.


Where did you first learn about this subculture you mentioned, before or after first episode of psychosis? I am willing to bet that your first exposure to the slang and the subculture happened prior, and your “voices” are vaguely based on that experience.

I was a programmer also. I also make mistakes in my programming, obviously. It’s natural to wrinkle the brain over them.

The “voices” are you own thoughts. The illness does not add new information to the brain, or connect any new senses. It is the inability to recognize the “voices” for you own thoughts is what the illness truly is.


Funny thing I never had contact with malandros. They are actually considered outlaws and feared here by people with some money but respected by the opressed poor community including the outlaws. Some malandros are outlaws. They have a very particular way of speaking. I experienced also hearing non existing music playing when no music was playing. I am talking real nice rock & roll songs, sometimes new metal, and the songs don’t exist. I could even launch them if i was an experienced musician. I honestly think there is more to it. It is tempting to think it all comes from my own mind but how would my mind know nice songs that don’t exist? Elaborated songs, lyrics, instruments, nice stuff, completely non existent. I know considering them spirits is not too logical. I am a science person. But sometimes the voices just go beyond what I know, so how is that possible? I don’t have a scientific answer although I’d like to have one. My voices actually guided me to what is good for me and what is not. It is also a sort of self correcting effect towards a better life. When they show up I stop and try to find out what they are trying to communicate. I benefit from them. I have to live in silence otherwise voices are more frequent. For example when I lived in the big city i would hear them a lot specially because all the construction work always going on in the big city bothered me greatly so I guess my voices were trying to say: move out. I did and I am a much happier person. It actually makes me wonder what kind of intelligence people have always attacking concrete. It seems like one of the most stupid things you can think of doing, so ultimately i was around people who don’t match my way of thinking. i am a surfer and the sea is like home to me. so i moved to the beach, a particular beach with waves that resemble hawaii, very strong, very tubular, very challenging and I just feel like I belong here. it is much more my true self. and i hear almost no voices here.


You don’t have to interact with malandros to have the concept. People see angels and demons that they never could have imagined before, but they always had the concept of those creatures potentially existing prior. Same applies here.

Where do you think music comes from? A person imagines the music first before it can be produced.

Again, you disliking your locale and wishing to move out is completely normal. It’s something every person thinks about at some point in their life. It seems like you seek comfort and validation from your voices to get courage. Very familiar to me, actually.

I write here for the benefit of all who struggle. In retrospect, I wish someone told me all that I write here now when I needed it, in 2015ish or earlier.

If you personally found a good coping strategy that works for you, it’s all that matters.

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Exactly. The coping mechanism is what matters. But somehow they are the guides. They molded who i am today. And I can say I am a happy individual mostly because of them in a stablished cooperation. i know when they manifest they are alerting me. Go figure. The important thing to me is that I came to have much less fear of them and that enhanced my quality of life greatly. I also thank invega for stopping my akathisia which was hell. I witched to invega about 8 years ago. Before that it was almost 20 years of hell. I couldn’t sit down, pay attention, i was trapped as my akathisia wouldn’t let me enjoy pleasure in almost no way. So thanks medicine for invega whatever it has differently from the other APs.

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