Do You Beleive Your Voices Are Real?

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  • No

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I think a major turning point in my illness is when I stopped believing they were a real thing. Sometimes I think I hear a death threat but at the same time, it is like I can’t be sure that is what happened and it was just me. I don’t think I will hear voices again.

I know my voices are in my head, not real people.
For a long time I thought my main voice, Mia, was a twin I’d absorbed in the womb, whose soul had been trapped in my body.
Now I know she’s just a figment of my imagination. A part of my personality.

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I believe they are real persons.
I have 3 main voices: Goddess Annette, Isidore and Louisa. Also i hear Jesus, Meher Baba, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Lucifer etc

I am trying to get my belief thing down because I think it helps. I used to believe in an evil dead guy named Horsue that could do things to make my life hell.

Mine are just a pain in the ars…

When I’m stressed they get worse so I keep a steady calm head most of the days.

I’ve learned to counter the fuuckers

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I believe the voices we hear are spirits, good and bad. They are mostly bad because they constantly hurt us. I believe people with schizophrenia can hear spirits.

I cannot believe that I just made everything up in my head. I refuse to believe that I would hurt myself so much.

I also believe that these spirits can make me think things that aren’t true and make me see things.

It’s just better to blame spirits. I feel much better believing this way.


I believe all the voices I heard were from demons. While I was psychotic I thought it was telepathy angels demons and God but at this point I think it was just demons that I was hearing while I was awake. I still think that God might be occassionally communicating with me in my sleep but I still am not sure

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Of course they are real, otherwise i wouldn’t hear them.


Im not sure. I do tend to think my voice, nightmares and some delusions might be more than just my thoughts. It might be from God or other beings. If i would 100% see them as just random untrue thoughts i wouldnt be scared. If i would be 100% sure they were real and everything would come true, id be even more terrified as in am now and in constant panic. I cant vote, am on the fence.

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if the voices stayed kind I’d believe in them more

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I’ve gone pretty close to hearing voices, maybe while falling alseep. I always thought it was psychic or voice to skull /voice of god technology or whatever they call it.

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I don’t think it matters whether I regard the voices as real or not. I’ve been on both sides of the fence and they don’t diminish by belief alone.

At the moment I believe they’re real, but I’ve controlled them with antipsychotics and Amyloban 3399 (a form of Lion’s mane that gets its active components from the fruiting body of the mushroom, not the stem, so it’s very potent.) I don’t hear them most of the day now, and it’s only been 3 days of taking the Amyloban.

There are studies showing that it can heal refractory schizophrenics even. Supposedly negative symptoms too.


I mean, they happen, I hear them, but I know they are a part of me not another person, even though they sound like someone else.

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I wish there was a “maybe” option. They sure usually sound like they’re coming from outside of me, and they play w things that are actually happening, but Barack Obama is not trying to communicate with me to tell me that I’m the root of all evil, right? I have some concept of how ludicrous that sounds, but while I was having a psychotic episode one night, wandering the streeiof the city where I lived, a man came up to me and showed me a picture of himself shaking Barack Obama’s hand in front of the United States seal. I just said “that’s a compassionate man,” (not sure if I still believe this the way, but I’m not here to debate politics) and then he asked me to go back to his hotel room with him to “talk business.” He had me walk around with him to look for his car until we got to a busy corner and he had me wait for him while he crossed the street. Soon he rode off on a rickshaw, waving.

My friend is convinced he simply thought I was a prostitute and wanted some action, but this makes me super paranoid, like there was some sort of message that Barack Obama was trying to deliver to me that I didn’t have the presence of mind to even ask about.

So my biggest fear is that the voices are real, and I am actually the root of all evil, and the harbinger of “hell on Earth.” Yikes!

@rosefurst, you and the 70 million other schizophrenics out there have harbored similar thoughts. We’re harmless. Heck, even going to the corner store is a challenge with schizophrenia! How is the illness empowering at all, in a manner that would have us cause some kind of global catastrophe? It’s mental illness, nothing more.

Well look at it this way. Taking drugs tends to just make the voices grow quieter thus more at a distance.

When at at its worst, I had no strength left even to think at all, but the voices had not changed other than in volume. They were not altered at all by the drugs. Therefore, the voices, and their source, had not changed.

Make of that as you wish.

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