Question for men

My coworkers who are men act weird.

I have worked there for over two years. I have tried to get their attention but they barely say hello to me. I wanted to get them flirting with me to ease the atmosphere. Nothing bad in innocent flirt. But they have been one of the following:

  1. Scared of me
  2. Repulsed by me even though i never hinted i wanted to flirt
  3. Supersirious with negative emotional state towards me

So today one guy at work picked a fight with other men…because of the way they treated me.

So when the guys left work they were overly nice and flirtatious towards me.

My question is:

What changed?

I feel like trying to be flirtatious will always end bad since it’s forced

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Your “obsession” with men and sex is problematic imo. I never have those thoughts about women.

Stop trying to get their attention.


Sorry im not a man, but they were put in their place by a man and obviously they respect that mans opinion. But not your feelings in the first place. I’d be wary if I was you.

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You can’t just be throwing the word “obsession” out casually. Nowhere in this post did she say anything about sex.

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I’m confused, why did you want for them to flirt with you?
Why not just have friendly interactions?

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when I was younger I was this way. I had a job in a grocery warehouse and there was this sexy woman that worked there and would flirt. she always had a new boyfriend with one of the guys on the crew. I just kept it professional when she finally approached me. she was trying to flirt but I kind of shut it down. don’t know why…I shoulda hit it and quit it. :crazy_face: I had just gotten out of a bad relationship, that’s probably why I didn’t. also I was a little intimidated

Ask Kerli about sex and see what she says. I think it is part of her disease.


No at work at work sex is off limits…im very professional at work. By flirting i mean…acnowleging that they are men and im a woman.

this is unhealthy…

Because they have to treat me like im a woman. Im not their friend. Im just a female coworker.

I think it’s unhealthy how they have treated her when she’s given no indication of flirting.

Workplace banter is a thing

Are men obligated to flirt with all women?
Women are humans. I’d rather be treated nice because of my personality than be flirted with because I have female parts.


They dont have to treat u like a woman but like a coworker.

I would do, but I’d be overstepping my boundaries by asking her such a personal question :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think they are afraid of women.

Sounds to me like u want your womanhood to be acknowledged. My question is, why? Just go about doing your job.

Ive ever only wanted women to notice me when i was interested in more.

u r looking for acknowledgement that you will never get… do your job and the flirting will come

I could understand being shy or unsure, but I don’t get the mean part.

I’m kind of socially clueless and this has resulted one time in me responding in a very awkward. “Well, you know…long pause…um I don’t think I’m interested.”

But it sounds like they were deliberately cruel. I agree with @spiderpig. Perhaps there are others where you work that are kinder men more worthy of your attention. I think if you continue to try to be nice to them, there’s a good chance they will eventually be more disrespectful.

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I just think if someone literally had to STAND up for her because of the way these men were treating Kerli. Then I don’t think Kerlis the problem! Thanks for agreeing :slight_smile: