I’ve had schizophrenia for 4 years and I guess I’m still trying to get a hold on how this is going to go for me if I don’t end up dead.
So I spent the past year or so believing that I was being watched by family with micro cameras and what not and I’ve had other delusions that tied into that (or not). I spent a night under a bridge after believing I couldn’t drink anything but tap water downtown and getting stuck after missing an appointment to my former script writer for Xanax. I finally realized there’s really nobody watching me and the vast majority of the things I believed are impossible. I went to my psychiatrist and got on medication, and now I feel fairly firm and grounded mentally.
Does that go away again? The feeling that I have a grasp on my mind finally and what I believed previously was kind of ridiculous? For instance, do the voices just end up concocting another situation where I’m believing some ridiculous scenario and barely hanging onto my sanity? I read a lot about people having periods where they aren’t doing well and lose control but then go back to having a grasp on things. Does it fluxtuate like that? Or do I get to keep my sanity at some point?