I consistently doubt my diagnosis and I think I have several good reasons to doubt it. On or off medication the belief is the same and it’s been this way for the last 3 years. I fear that my skepticism about my diagnosis might be a delusion. I also have a belief about something my gf had done which I’m not sure is delusional or not, I’ve had this same belief for years as well.
Yeah I doubt my diagnosis constantly, ofc not when I hear voices but I magically forget about those times when everything is fine. Other than that I have delusions about my family trying to kill me. Just last night I opened my closet door expecting my father to be in there with a knife, aha…sz is so fun…never a dull moment (except like 23.9 hours of the day)
i thought believing you didn’t have any issues was called denial!
but i may be wrong
i have a lot to say but not many thumbs to type
i really appreciate this thread!
cause i can’t say the L word
too many people
i always had this vision.
these imagined angels inside my head!
i am the chosen one from our Lord!
but i’m not jesus.
just an average girl striving to be like jesus
does that make sense?
I’m pretty set on the notion that I’m sz. Know this since I become psychotic if I am non-med compliant. I had an ongoing delusion to be homeless, that there weren’t enough of my kind living on the streets. This delusion has gone away now that I’m employed and have been employed for the past five years.
I have a delusion that I’m being constantly watched and recorded, that’s been for about the past 30 years. There’s just no talking me out of it.
For the past 10 years every day I’ve believed I’m world-famous; 99% of that time I’ve thought I’m being spied on; 95% of that time I’ve thought I’ve been an ■■■■■■■. Yeah, so usually don’t believe I’m sz.
The feeling of being watched and recorded will never fully go away. I just hope to be able to forget about it long enough to do work.
I used to think I was “world-famous” too, but now it’s more of a like “somewhat known in the community” vibe. Eventually I figure I’ll fall off the radar.
Well, there’s a sort-of delusion I’ve had for years. I say “sort-of delusion” because I don’t think it counts as a real delusion if I know it’s probably not true.
But yeah, this sort-of delusion of mine is that years ago in a trance-like state I had a psychic vision. I know it’s ridiculous, no one can see the future, but there’s a small part of me that believes I have seen my future.
I don’t doubt my diagnosis; I accept that I have schizoaffective disorder.
The thing about delusions is it’s so easy to spot others but very difficult to spot your own.
Having said that…
If you have a diagnosis of sz/sza chances are it’s correct as they don’t hand out that diagnosis on a whim AND keep it for years.
I’ve been believing that I’m a targeted individual being gang stalked by the government for a year now even with meds.
For 20 years I had the delusion that I’d go to hell for playing rock ‘n’ roll music in a band. Now on Vraylar, that pesky delusion is finally gone
My delusions may fade but never seem to go away, for a lifetime.
My voices have been the same “people” for about three years now. As for the delusions, I thought I was famous for a couple of years. I’ve been out of that one for about a year and don’t see myself going back into it. Right now it’s just voices and images, no strong delusions.
The only “delusions” I have are that Gd communicates with me directly through written media everyday. And I communicate back to Him through the same type of media. I also have the so called “delusion” that the government aka the VA, is killing off veterans by putting poisons in the medications they distribute to the veterans. Killing them all off slowly and imperceptibly. Both of these delusions have lasted for many years.
I have a belief system that they call psychosis.
I feel pretty angry about it. You have all the different religious groups around the world that hold their beliefs, why do mine have to be delusions just because I am merely separated from those who have had similar experiences.
It’s almost like they’re trying to completely stamp out any beliefs that link in the way mine do to the universe that I have experienced through LSD use and psychosis.
Safety in numbers I guess is the order of the day.
Alien the man in my head has been with me since my teens and revealed himself to me in 2015 so I guess yes I’ve had a delusion for years even though it feels real to me.
You know what i just thought…well i have had a delusion that someone perticular hates me. And now im not thinking about it…but…it doesnt mean i realized that i was wrong…it seems that while thinking about how this person hates me i wasnt really concious…which means i forgot about the whole things right after thinking about it…and maybe i never really thought about it …maybe subconciously i thought about it and believed it. Maybe its possible to subconciously believe your delusion is real…and not even remember it.
Thanks for the responses everyone! I did expect some ppl to have long lasting delusions, but mine are subtle and I could be possible. I just don’t know if it’s real or my imagination lol, I’m still at a loss
Nothing is real or exists was something I dealt with for a while. Doesn’t affect me that much unless I read into it. Still can’t work or go to school due to the illness and meds.
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