Psych ward meals vs our daily meals

In my psych ward they have good meals: breakfast, lunch, afternoon coffee and snack, dinner and the evening snack, people in the psych ward eat well. I am not necessarily following this meal schedule in my daily life. How are your psych ward meals?

I remember them as fairly basic. They were healthy, but they were sort of bland. There was lots of beef and I didn’t like that. I don’t remember fish very often that made me sad.

There was a lot of chicken and that was pretty basic.

I eat better now.

i’ve been to three in my city and across all three with food: there’s a lot of it, like you describe, but i’m unsure how much of it is packaged and that concerns me. i’m wary of colours and processing and additive things. my family will often bring me early dinner. the breakfast is fine i guess because what can you do to a banana? well, something probably, but that’s not good to think about.

i don’t like how the psych ward often doesn’t have caffeine. at least mine doesn’t. so the tea is all herbal, which i think is crap. i also tend to get …gastrointestinal non activity, you could say. but that might the meds and not the food. i eat less often at home, maybe, but it’s better food, i think. my family does a pretty good job of keeping a routine so when i eat is on their schedule. if i lived alone i would go a long time between meals. definitely not good with scheduling myself.

I have one of this government hospital nurse asking your next day meals by showing you the menu comprising of Western and Eastern food.

One psyche ward I was in had a trained chef. They served stuff like crepes and waffles, spaghetti and meatballs, strawberry shortcake, good cuts of steak, lasagna. It just sticks in my mind because we ate like kings. If you are going to be miserable at least it helps to eat good. Breakfast and lunch was like a buffet.

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Last hospital I was in gave great meals. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner… And they had a fridge in the common area that they opened when you asked that had yogurt, cereal, milk, juice, fruit, etc. They gave SO much food though. Like one day one of the options on our menu was a chicken sandwich, so I chose that. When meals came round they brought out two huge sandwiches for each person.

it depended on where I was. At the Utah State hospital, we mainly got different meals each day, which was good. Except the meals kind of repeated sometimes. We would sometimes have coffee cake, which is my favorite breakfast xD

I’m much happier eating my own meals, but psych ward food wasn’t too bad. One of my hospitals actually served pretty tasty food, and another gave us a lot of options and alternatives.

I’ve had some really good salisbury steak and scrambled eggs in psych wards.

It was a good while ago last I was in the psych ward and all I remember about the food is eating cheeseburgers…that and the one damn cup of coffee we got in the morning. One time I was there with this guy who thought he was on his way to the NBA and freaked out every day about not getting his required calorie intake…

All I know is that the meals were far better than the breakfast I got while in a holding cell in county jail…I actually thanked the guard who brought it and he looked at me like I was nuts…I think there was actually mold on it.

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The food was not so bad - then again I was so messed up, they could have served me styrofoam as an entree and I wouldnt have noticed