Problem with science and the internet (rant)

Scientists discovered tolerable drugs, but the internet ruined it.

I’m sure if we were back in the days of insane asylums we would be left with cold showers and the thorazine shuffle. There wouldn’t be people worried about side effects that outweigh the risks. I struggled with Yahoo answers in high school and people told me all sorts of CRAP.

I’m glad I fought my way back to having insight and found this group and learned all the positive sides of sz. Its not all doom and gloom.

Science has been a blessing but with more information causes so many views it drives me nuts.

Our ancestors would have probably killed for what we have now with sz treatment


I am against the internet.
I prefer to spend my time and energy doing aerobic and strength training, and as well doing things like
studying mathematics over surfing the internet.
For me internet is just a waste of time and energy.


Great post @Winterblues.

Speaking of meds and the internet ,Youtube convinced me to come off meds and just use niacin (vitamin b3). I ended up in the hospital psychotic. Cuz niacin has no antipsychotic properties whatsoever!


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