Problem with exercise

The psychotic episode was 7 years ago. I am currently working and I feel very good. No positive symptoms and few negative. My work requires a lot of concentration and intelligence. I’m doing fine. Unfortunately, due to neuroleptics I am obese. I have tried many times to practice sports, run etc. Always finish the same way. There are positive symptoms and I have to stop. I do not know what to think about it and how to remedy it. Did anyone have similar symptoms and somehow managed?

I consider myself obese (5’ 9" 255 lbs), and I started exercising by buying an inexpensive stationary bike (I don’t like gyms due to social anxiety). I peddle it while listening to music. I actually find exercising fun now.

Of course you don’t have to do what I did, but you’re free to take the idea and do something that’s fun for you.

Good luck !!


I may not have said this explicitly. My problem is that my mental state deteriorates when I start some physical activity. I know this is weird. I wonder why this is and how to counter it.

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You might be using eating and being obese as a shelter from the storms of life. Then, thoughts of getting slim cause anxiety.

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probably not. I used to lose 20kg only because of diet and I felt good. It is rather about some biochemical changes in the brain as a result of the exercises.

What type of deterioration?

Today was day 1

I did 50 of my three ab routines (everything except sit-ups, usually I do those too)
50 push-ups
5 pull-ups

I will probably take tomorrow off and then do 60-60-6 on Monday!

But boy am I exhausted after not working out in three years!!

First signs of psychosis

Even with simply long walks?

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Yes. I tried walking and slowly began to paranoia.

I find with exercise the hardest part is getting started. You literally have to drag yourself for 2 weeks and it will be incredibly difficult and exhausting and you’ll hate it and want to make a million excuses not to go by you gotta make it through 2 weeks. After that it becomes routine and you start feeling gross if you don’t go. That’s as my experience anyways. I need to start working out again as well…:disappointed:

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Oh. I haven’t heard of that before and I’m not sure what that is or how to help you…I wonder maybe if your psychosis has metabolic roots…

I haven’t had this either, but perhaps you might try working out in 5 minute increments 4x a day. Then you could still get 20 minutes in without becoming overly tired. Like do squats and lunges for 5 minutes after breakfast, take a 5 min stroll at lunch, later do some sit ups, push ups and planks, and before bed, do some stretches. Just a thought that it might be less stressful in small increments.

My favorite forms of exercise are: 30- 35 minutes of yoga daily, 45 minutes of piano practice daily, and stair climbing in my apartment complex.

Yes. I hear you. I have this problem too. Infact, my psychotic symptoms started getting worse after running for an extended period of time a couple of years ago. I have recently started walking and I am having the same problem. I not only think it’s the excerscise, but actually being slim too. I can’t explain it but I think it has something to do with hormones or too much dopamine being released during excerscise. My pdoc, thinks it’s stupid but I’m thinking of seeing a hormone doctor to see if my hormones are the problem. I do have pcos and my last blood test showed inflammation in the body.