Hey everyone. Site staff are talking about making a few changes to the site. The first change is to alter our categories slightly. We are planning to merge Meta with the Lounge, combine the two Dx’ed sections into one category called “Symptoms,” and add a sexual health/relationship category. We are doing this because there are currently so many categories that it can make searching for the correct category a bit cumbersome, and because putting sexual health topics into their own category will make it easier for people to mute that category if they choose to.
Since there was a bit of drama surrounding the initial splitting of the Dx’ed categories, we wanted to get everyone’s opinions before we merged the two back together.
I want the Dx’ed SZ/SZA and Dx’ed other categories merges into one category called “Symptoms”
I want the Dx’ed categories to remain seperate
I have no preference
Our second discussion is whether to consider the debate over euthanasia a banned topic. This has recently caused a lot of division, and we want to make sure everyone is comfortable and safe here.
Euthanasia should be a banned topic
Debates over euthanasia should be allowed
I have no preference
I find the topic of euthanasia personally triggering
I do not find the topic of euthanasia personally triggering
i feel you should be able to speak free about dieing or death, but organized self killing is not the same. vote but keep in mind we are here to help low self esteem better them selves from schizophrenia, thank you for your time Dr Zen
As long as people’s reasons for not wanting to vaccinate are scientifically accurate, we don’t push either stance. If people try to say the vaccine turns you gay or has 5g microchips or something, we shut that down pretty quick. If someone says they don’t want to vaccinate because they are at an increased risk for blood clots or have a history of severe allergies, that is allowed.