POLL: What's your resting heart rate usually at?

Your resting heart rate is usually…
  • Below 60
  • 60-70
  • 71-80
  • 81-90
  • 91-100
  • Over 100

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I’m not 100% sure because our home heart rate finger tester thingy usually shows higher than testing at hospital or clinic, but I’m gonna go with the more professional tests and say 91 to 100. I have a high heart rate.

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That’s what my resting BPM was before my doctor put me on my beta blocker. Keep an eye on it, if it consistantly goes above 100, go get checked out.

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I have no idea. Lol

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@Zoe - Its not very hard to find out. Put 2 fingers on your artery in your neck and count how many thumps you get in 10 seconds, then multiply by 6.

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Mine was over 100 until I lost a ton of weight

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Hard to choose an option given that.

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Congrats on losing a lot of weight!

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Thanks @TheCanuk

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No problem!

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@Stillwaters @Three - You guys must be in great shape to have a BPM under 60. Very impressive!

I had a friend in university who was also an athlete, his heart rate is like 40. Athletes have a lower heart rate due to a more effecient and muscular heart. Afaik the more you’re overweight the higher the heart rate, also exercising regluarly decreases resting heart rate.


Yeah when I was going for daily runs and was a healthy weight, my heart rate was in the 50’s. Now i’m over weight and my BPM is usually 72-78.

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I have a low resting HR due to beta blockers I’m on for POTS. My resting HR is around 56 but typically jumps to around 130-140 walking.

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If you dont mind me asking… whats POTS?

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Mines usually 57-60 it used to be closer to 80 but ive been biking a lot


Nice man, biking is great exercise!

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Just checked it. 61 bpm but its loud AF in the store and i just ate a lot of pad thai :smile:

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POTS is postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Basically it effects your autonomic nervous system, I have poor blood circulation resulting in blood pooling in my legs and ankles, and poor blood flow to my brain while standing due to the blood pooling. This in turn makes my heart rate super fast when standing because my body is trying to get enough blood pumped to my brain. Ok bad days I pass out from it.

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@Hanna_Foxx - I’m sorry you have to deal with that. I hope your symptoms improve.

I’m on a beta blocker also (Bisprolol)