Mine is usually 78-82 beats per minute. Thats with me being on a beta blocker (Bisprolol) when I wasnt on it, my resting heart rate was close to 100.
How old are you?
Yeah I’m on a beta blocker too @TheCanuk
My resting heart rate is the same as yours on the beta blocker.
Off the beta blocker it would be in the 200s
Mine is generally around 100bpm
@Wave 200?!?! I’ve never heard of a resting heart rate that high before. Did you mean 100? 200 beats per minute could kill someone.
@anon96203037 i’m 26
It’s high man, do you exercise?
Mine was 220 a couple months ago when I switched to a generic beta blocker.
Thankfully it lasted for about an hour.
I thought I was going to die!
That might be a type of arytmia problem
@Wave - Well i’m glad you survived that!
I’m seeing a cardiologist soon @anon96203037 @TheCanuk
To damn high, I would guess your either 27 or 43 lol
Thanks @TheCanuk!
@Bowens - Yours should lower once you lose weight like you want to. I’m hoping my heart rate goes down to 60 per minute once I lose weight.
87 to 110 depends on how active to i am
Mine is usually 66-72.
@LED - Thats a nice healthy range!
No I’m sorry I made a mistake @TheCanuk
My heart rate ran in the upper 50s to lower 60s
I’m on a beta blocker too and it’s usually in the 50s.