- Neurotypical
- “normie”
- I don’t like labeling them
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I usually use the term “normie” but I’m wondering if Neurotypical would be more appropriate.
i use normie too… and sometimes NT but i think i like normie more =)
I like normie because it seems slightly derogatory and I’m a little bitter
I’m bitter too.
Bitter buddies!
Neurotypical, at least to me, comes across as slightly political, fit only for the activist lifestyle and the pc bore. Normie is a bit naughtier but also homelier, it feels more natural.
I prefer neurotypical. The word “normie” sounds like something an edgy awkward teen would use as an insult. Childish and derogatory.
There’s no use in creating a gap between the neurodiverse and the neurotypical, nor being bitter. They can’t help their blessed brains more than we cam help having our wonky ones.
I was an edgy awkward teen and I guess I never really grew out of that
Normie is already a term for people outside of internet culture
I don’t really like both terms.
Are there other terms for “normal” people?
“Normie” does sound a bit juvenile I suppose.
I’ve always called them normies if anything at all. I don’t see anything wrong with it.
I think i left my heart outside your door !
You can call me whatever the fagga you want.
Sensitivity is a useless path.
Dont distract it with a movement though. Im all for a cause, just not a dumb ass name calling oh no pam you called me a man.
Ironic, the hardest path is without a doubt courage. So much courage then you kill it on twitter and reddit to show your struggles lmao !
Imagine buying a car to piss people off you despise haha.
“I think I left my heart outside your door”
Seems like a good first line to a poem, or a song.
I failed at quoting you. Haha darn this tech!
My company is aware of my DXes. My file says I’m neurodiverse. I’m okay with that. It allowed me to list remote working as a preferred accommodation in the event they try to put me back in a branch in the future.
People without mental illness, maybe.
People who are not disabled.
People with families and normal social lives.
People without psychosis.
The problem with terms like neurotypical and normie is that they make the groups they apply to seem streamlined and homogenous. But they aren’t. They are just as varied as we are. Some can’t work, some are socially isolated and lonely, some are dying, some are abused, some are happy and functional. And some with sz are happy and functional too.
At this point in my life i probably have more in common with the stereotypical normie than I do with most of you here.
I’m not keen on the word normie it sounds really sickly. But hey what else am I meant to use. NT is suggesting even more strongly that normies are the norm because the word NT is so sciencey and know it all-Ish.