I don’t think I used to care. Now, I do.
Quit being strange then.
(only kidding) 15151515
I think eccentric or unconventional sounds much better. I wouldn’t mind being referred to as eccentric.
Me, I just want to be called a normie. (Does that make me a traitor to the forum?)
You’re not a traitor. I think everyone here wishes they were a normie. At least I do.
I kinda like eccentric too, but to me it always brings up images of doddering older Englishmen who look for UFO’s or go dowsing or some such, still it’s better than most
Aw hell I don’t want to be a normies! IMHO they suck! Bunch of sheep. Boring. Unimaginative. And so on. I’m sick of being sza but I don’t want THAT. But that’s my world. To each his own.
I don’t want to be thought of as normal.
I don’t want to be called weird unless I felt confident. In myself
Im so happy im different. I feel like ive been gifted something so great. Like i have the opportunity to be someone who the world always remembers.
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