Poll: Iti-007 / lumateperone : Only 5 days to go. Will it be approved?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I think it will be approved- barely.

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New poll

When it is approved, will you ask to switch?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe in a few years when a stronger safety profile comes out

0 voters

What is lumateperone?

I am wishing it will be approved and yes I will swtich or use it as adjunct

If it’s approved I will definitely ask my psych nurse about it. Can’t hurt to!

It has been approved!


Is this the negative symptoms one?

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No. It’s supposed to have very few side effects.

I think @TomCat meant is this the one that helps negative symptoms. :fox_face::fox_face::fox_face:


Yes, the one he’s thinking of is min-101/roluperidone .

The most common side effects listed are somnolence (sleepy/drowsy) and dry mouth.

Hopefully the somnolence will reside over time (tolerance), and I’m not too concerned with dry mouth.

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If my doctor gets positive feedback from her patients taking it and only if she gives me the green light to take it will I do so.
I’m desperate to find an effective AP with less harsh side effects than risperidone.

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How do you know it has been approved ? The decision is on the 27th

It’s a new psych med antipsychotic waiting for fda approval

So it’s here ? In some time we can ask our docs to prescribe it

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If you’re in the usa :us:

Yes I am in the USA

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I’m going to be injecting this medication into my scrotum when it becomes available.