If so
How was your experience been!
Im wondering how does it par up with all the other antipsychotics
What are the differences …
Im somewhat excited about this one…
That doesn’t sound like a good review!
Compared to the things they are saying about it…
Is abilify a good AP?
It’s all personal trial and error. One person’s miracle med is another’s downfall.
I’m actually on abilify and it’s kept me sane for 6 years. But I hate the anxiety that comes with it (for me anyway).
I will try and give the new 2nd generation a try…
I wish there were more reviews on it
The biggest thing is the least side effect profile that they are bragging about
Is abilify less side effect profile than the 2nd generations?
Abilify is a 2nd generation med. It has one of the lowest metabolic side effect profiles. Supposed to have anyway.
Is Lumateperone supposed to have even less side effect profile than abilify?
What is a metobolic profile mean?
Is that what causes you to gain weight
Yes that’s supposed to be the case.
It means things like heart,blood,weight effects.
So which exact date does Lumateperone come out in California USA?
Do you know where I can find out that Information?
All the information I’ve found is vague
The sources just mention spring 2020.
Im going to give a small dose of Lumateperone a try
If not
Then I’ll try a small dose of abilify!
Thank you!
I don’t know when it’s supposed to be available. But best of luck with it.
@Themoonshinemaras lumateperone will be available starting in March, but it will be very expensive. Don’t expect Medicaid to cover it for a while. They still don’t even cover Geodon.
That’s really unfortunate…
I wonder why that is…
Do you know how much it’s going to be?
They haven’t given a price yet, but that’s how all new meds are.
If medicaid wont cover it who’s going to be able to buy it? I don’t see how anyone or many with schizophrenia that would be able to pay expensive prices…
Could you advocate for us @Ninjastar ?
Tell them it isn’t fair That medi-cal won’t cover it
Im sure we can stand up together against this obsurdity .
Or who volunteers to be the mask ? for the neuro diverse people who can’t afford it…
These must be jokes^^at the same time seriousness^^^^^^
I do work as an advocate, but I don’t think my clout is yet big enough to override a pharmaceutical company’s desire for profits but I will do my best!
I had to do patient assistance to try Geodon I SD. I was on it for 2 days, so at least I didn’t pay for it. The NP at behavior management just scratched my name off the bottle and passed it on to the next person.
I’ve talked about her before and how she was horrible and just zombies me out.
Geodon makes me beyond psychotic. I can flip furniture and do ■■■■ that I physically should not be able to do. That and Latuda do it to me, so I’ve been black listed from things in that family of drugs.
But Medicaid has a process your doctor can put the effort into to have it paid for, or at least a 15 dollar copay. But your doctor has to do the work, you cannot do anything on your end. But Medi-Cal has different rules than regular Medicaid right?