If I save enough money, I would like to get some plastic surgery…
Boobs, and liposuction to contour my body maybe even a nose job.
what do you think?
- yay
- nay
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I will post some before after pics below.
If I save enough money, I would like to get some plastic surgery…
Boobs, and liposuction to contour my body maybe even a nose job.
what do you think?
0 voters
I will post some before after pics below.
It’s amazing how these celebrities look totally different in years.
I guess I look different too… as time goes by.
As long as someone smiles genuinely then I already see them as beautiful.
I’m not saying that to be cute or for effect. I’m quite serious.
Yeah I used to think that way too
I’ve had plastic surgery on my face to help close up a dogbite wound. I had two plastic surgeries to seal up my face and stitch it up, then to cut out some scar tissue. I’d say if it’s necessary then do it but stay yourself don’t be a nicki minaj…
I don’t want to be like niki minaj… more like when I was at 18. I want to look like I am 18.
I think it’s an individual choice.
Just bear in mind that cosmetic surgeries are serious medical procedures that are not without risk.
You know, working out will really help improve your mental health and your physical body. You may gain weight but it’s muscle you know? I’m trying to workout and go for walks and diet to lose weight. Also I haven’t drank in months and I’m losing my beer fat by a new diet. Try it out maybe?
Speaking as a pro photog, you are gorgeous. It ain’t broke, so don’t fix it.
That’s too much.
Plastic surgery is okay on moderation, but when people get carried away it’s just no.
We were made to be a certain way. Unique, and just ourselves. I think plastic surgery is okay for if you maybe dislike something about your body that’s been an issue for years and you just want to fix. For example, my cousin always hated her large pointy nose, so she got a nose job. It looks nice on her, but I did also like her old nose. She’s much happier, though. So that makes me happy.
The women in the pictures looked better before. After they look too fake to me.
Yeah there’s a saying " you’re not ugly, just poor".
In some cases it’s necessary…for example, although I’ve never been told…my sister got breast reduction surgery because her breasts were too big. Now she’s normal sized. I’m glad she did because I used to have friends make fun of her “your sisters breasts are soooo big”. I think she had deep insecurity issues for a while. My sister is pretty, naturally beautiful, and she’s gotten plastic surgery.
I’d say don’t go for plastic surgery it can turn into a nightmare. Boobs maybe but not the face thats asking for trouble.
Just don’t go overboard like Michael. You would think he would have been fine, black ppl dont age very badly, but he ended up looking like some kind of albino alien or mythical creature. Learn from the kings example and know when to say enough is enough.
Le boobs is A okay the rest forget it
I have always liked the natural look, no make up, what you see is what you get. I love the person as a rule, I can see for deformities, but like anything else its a personal choice and would not look down on anyone who had it or wants it.
To each his or her own. It’s your body and your choice. I would just hope that you are careful with the decision and give it much consideration. Also be careful with the procedure(s) you choose and the Doctor you choose if you move forward.
Plastic surgery rarely looks good IMO
Whats rhere to say? People can do to their bodies whatever the ■■■■ they want as long as it doesn’t hurt nobody