Plastic surgery, what do you think?

I think it is the person’s own decision sometimes people can go overboard but it’s up to them. As for me plastic surgery would not make me look better and think liposuction would be painful.

My gut reaction is Cringe when people talk about face stuff. I’ve seen a lot of bad nose jobs on people that were very attractive before surgery. It’s your body though, you should be happy with it. Confidence is sexy.

Back in the days when my body was a stripper I may of been programmed to have silicon put in my breast to make them bigger.
I sucked at stripping and my energy and aura was not in my body.i was piece of empty meat walking around and sometimes some horrid woman were in it.

I do not think it was my decision but that the decision was made for me by others “programming” my body and person to “do things”.
But it was not my energy and aura in my body so i was like a puppet? or piece of meat…

I removed the silicon a couple years later and was happy to have my breast be natural.
My breast were a A minus cup.Meaning I did not quiet fill out an a cup. meaning I had very small but firm breast.
They used to stand straight out.
I regreted it so much.
But truly i do not believe it was my choice or doing.

Thats the only plastic surgery i ever did and it was to my breast and i regreted it.
My breast were gorgeous as they were.
But I was not really in my body very often back in those days.
and as said think some one else made me do it or did it to me as i was not really in my body.

Maybe you would not regret it.
If it is your own concsious decision.
Some people make lots of money simply by having humuoungus silicon or attract a man that way.
I would not want a man to want me for such a reason as main attraction.

I prefer natural , no surgery , to be one make up.
But make up can be stunning and dress up etc but i suck at it in person but i still love it.

But as ive seen others look natural but not be natural or wear someone elses energy etc so who can tell…
But some people can tell.

I had cancer and had cancer surgery.So I cant have children.
My experience was a woman was lying next to me and they said she would feel and look like me and that i was awake during surgery and it hurt and a man looked like D.B was masturbating with a limp ■■■■■ and I said to someone else " are our children safe" .
It could of been a delusion but at least the cancer was removed.
Im making a gift for dr who cut it out. Wiled it be.To say thank you for cutting it out.
I also have a thought someone had surgery of my ear , my aura, my eon etc
ive also had thought that apple computers took my aura and eon in a surgery kind of.and others also.

I am definately against plastic surgery for me personally.
If I meet a man and who he is I want him to love me for me and my own body as it is even with hairy legs and cellulite :slight_smile:
The feel…
my own aura and spirit and nature and body etc
As long as i feel like my self, my own aura and eon. Im happy and greatful for my body as it is.
Some people can not walk or talk or see or hear or move etc
There are other things prioritise.

What if a man has had plastic surgery…
Would I date a man who has had it…
Does it depend on the reasons…
if he is himself and honest with me…

Some have surgery to make a split tounge and bulges under skin etc.

My boobs are quite large enough, thank you.


For bigger boobs you could try Risperdal or Invega.

a lot of people who do surgery sometimes dont even need surgery… and sometimes it can go wrong and make them look worse…

I vouch to that.

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I’m just saying my plastic surgery was out of necessity, a pitbull bit me and tore my cheek off when I was five. So it was necessary to try to fix the damage that was done by that dog. But if it’s because you aren’t satisfied know this: I’ve had two facial surgeries, two back surgeries, and two testicular surgeries…surgeries take a toll on you and you shouldn’t subject your body to it it’s not going to satisfy you and when your old and wrinkly the silicone will fall down and stuff ew thinking of it even is gross keep knives away from your face it’s just common sense I dunno.