Poll: plastic surgery

Do you think plastic surgery is warranted.or abused?

  • Yes
  • Both
  • No
0 voters

In the future will they be really good at it? I worry that it will be abused heavily

I’m really not sure how to answer the question as you asked if it was 1 or the other and then put yes and no as an option…


I guess my answer is probably both though anyway…

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I was an assistant/surgical tech for a plastic surgeon for a little bit.

The money was super good.

There are a handful of people that abuse plastic surgery,

But the bulk of people just get the one procedure.

Mostly rhinoplasty.

And boobs.

Anything and everything boobs.

Those people are generally super happy with the results and don’t get anything else done.

The frequent fliers are not happy, have a tendency to need more vicodin refills than the average patient and ask for a lot of “corrections” that are basically a completely different surgery.

I do feel (as an old millennial) that will change with us.

I know we’ll get a lot of plastic surgery because we already are.

I plan on getting certain procedures when/if I meet milestones.


Just saying it’s both.

But it’s soon to be abused.

I can only hope the children learn from the mistakes my generation is bound to make.


Maybe I’ll change my mind when aging more. But I dislike cosmetic surgery. Unless there is a clear reason (e.g. burn wounds, severe disfigurement).


Zac Efron ruined his face and lied that he broke his jaw.

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Plastic surgery is wild.

It can be really hard to differentiate between “valid” plastic surgery and “non-valid.”

But I will say there’s an absolute difference between a baby’s necessary cleft palate surgery and Kris Jenner’s fifth revision blepharoplasty.

Nowadays, plastic surgery is some kind of status symbol amongst young people— you see it all the time in women with overly-inflated lips, and Brazilian Booty Lifts. These procedures send certain messages and social cues to onlookers, so to speak.


I agree it’s become a way of accessorizing almost…
There’s also a lot of shaved eyebrows, tattood eyeballs and pointy teeth on the other side.


I’m 39.

Just turned 39 and all but one of my friends has had plastic surgery.

And not just the single procedure.

They also get injections for days.

So many injections.

One of them had the audacity to tell me I needed injections because I have an “11”.

â– â– â– â– â– ,

I have schizophrenia.

Of course I make an “very nervous and scared to death” look all the time.

She wouldn’t last a minute.


I know I’m getting several procedures as I age.

I know they won’t stop.

I really, really believe this first selfie generation is not going to age gracefully.

Women (and men) my age will look like windblown cats in a few years.

Like I said above,

I hope that next generation learns from our mistakes and makes it a less popular.


What is an 11?

Also, I can’t imagine all friends have had this. I know of none of my friends or acquaintances. I suspect it in one now, and was shocked. Maybe it is more American. Or depends on the circle you’re in?


An “11” is between your eyebrows.

The two wrinkles you get there.



I know plastic surgery has come a long way, but I don’t like the idea of permanently altering something in case it’s done wrong.

I often think women with face lifts appear older than they did before the lift,

That said, in recent years Ive seen some really good face lifts that were amazing.

So I know it’s better than it used to be.

If I had the money and were braver, I’d get a boob job. I have very large breasts. I’d like to be smaller and perkier.

But I’ve known people with boob job nightmares so most likely I wouldn’t do it even if I were rich.


It’s freedom of expression.

I don’t see a problem. People make their decisions. It doesn’t affect me whether someone chooses to fix their nose vs someone wearing tattoos on their face.

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For some it helps there self esteem however some people don’t think it’s good enough because they have very low self esteem I think it helps others but not everyone

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Those that go extreme to some, they find it makes them feel good.

Kathy Griffin Joan Rivers Kardashians loves the way they look while others may think they are ugly. Its so subjective.

The bigger issue is a lot of heavy Plastic Surgery users end up hooked on opiates.


Idk if it’s the surgery or they still have self esteem and self worth problems opioids are for pain maybe there suffering from surgery issues or something like that idk

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But that is normal. Everyone gets that when they age. It is like having knees or elbows. Or lines in your hands. They belong there. :slight_smile:

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Abused and corrected,

I don’t know what to say about the guy.

Is it even necessary fro the enlargement, people should use tightening cream :dotted_line_face: anyways it debate able. Who is in for it ?

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