Your thoughts on plastic surgery?

Recently I watched some videos on this topic, and what I noticed that many people with too much plastic surgeries look… sad
Actually sad, (seems they feel they don’t know where to stop)
And recently I watched video on trans woman which detransisions now, and says that becoming a trans probably won’t make you any happier.

So I started thinking like that -
Maybe in reality, our appereances, external factors (even if we seek perfection) don’t makes us happier?

Your thoughts? :slight_smile:


I worked for a plastic surgeon and have had plastic surgery.

I’m totally for it.

It makes a massive improvement in people’s lives.

I plan on getting more work done as I age.


That’s why I am a bit confused,

People says the opposite things about plastic surgery.

Some actually feels very good when udergone it,

Some feel like they’ve even lost something.

Idk, me personally, I try to love the way I look naturally. The look that I was kind of “given” :slight_smile:
But I know for everyone it’s different


Does dental work count?

I am planning on getting fixed tooth dentures as coeliac disease took away the enamel on my teeth and that means they are tea stained although I religiously clean them.

Normal dentures suck imo so I am paying big to have it done!


I wish there was less pressure to look ‘perfect’.

To me plastic surgery is a side effect of society gone wrong.

But for genuine deformities I totally understand and I think that would even be covered by health insurance in Belgium.


I worked for that surgeon years and had hundreds of patients.

I never had someone say they regretted doing the work.

Sometimes things didn’t turn out right and we had to do revisions,

But with a rare, weird exception, most everyone who gets plastic surgery is happy.

I don’t think that really applies to people with plastic surgery addiction.

That’s totally different though.

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Well, there are reaally lots of videos, mostly about detransitioning, and people are actually disappointed and unhappy. (As an example in youtube channel “soft white underbelly”)

Also, there were mentioned that in trans forums people share their sadness. The trans surgeries are definitely not for everyone.

And the same opinion I have for other kind of surgeries;
For some its hope, for some a big disappointment. :slight_smile:

Trans surgeries are a little different than just regular plastic surgeries.

You usually get many procedures at one time and many elect to change too much at once.

In my opinion.

I’m sorry to hear many regret the surgeries,

But as for regular rhinoplasty and boob jobs,

People are pretty happy.

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I’ve debated on a boob lift, but it will never happen lol

I’m scared of surgeries in general and I wouldn’t want to spend the money.

100% worth every dime.

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Indeed, there is a difference :slight_smile:

Well probably you know better,

I’ve met only several people per my life who undergone surgeries.

So I try to make a conclusion from what I saw on several chanells on youtube

But make sure you’re done having kids before you do it.


Good advice lol

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I think rejuvenating and looking fresh is great. It’s just really expensive. I think the successful plastic surgeries go unnoticed because they look pretty natural. It’s where they are botched, like Darcey and Stacey, where you look and all you can say is…oh dear….


I would definitely go for dental work. I think itd make me able to smile more confidently


My brothers girlfriend is young and naturally beautiful but she gets Botox injections on a regular basis.
My brother is not happy

I think it serves a purpose for people who really need it, like fireburn victims.

Otherwise I don’t see any benefit personally.

And one thing which comes to my mind,

Some people actually look super hot after surgeries (if they don’t overdo it)!
I really like the way some girls look, even though that’s achieved by plastic surgery.

I just simply cannot see those surgeries on myself… I don’t know why :smiley:
Maybe because that’s my point of view. The thing, that this is natural me or smth, gives me lots of confidence.

Even though I know how popular these days is to look “perfect”, I wouldn’t like to sell part of me to look more like standard model on ig :slight_smile:

And I know that some will disagree, but I don’t see any reason to change myself that others would like me more.

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I have no problem with it.

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Yup, I agree with lots of things you said -

I also saw these videos, there is even chanell called hooked on the look on youtube. Lots of stuff like that.

And I also adore these ladies who are rich but don’t do any plastic surgery…

Actually, I am also attracted to women from time to time, and I find those girls which undergone plastic surgery, attractive. Not all of course,
But some are super hot, won’t lie.

But the thing is I believe we all shall accept who we are. Internally and externally,
And even if then we want to undergo plastic surgery, maybe then it’s the right time.

Because from what I’ve read, if we have tooo high expectations, big internal problems - surgery isn’t a helpful thing then.

I believe on this topic every person will state a unique opinion. And it’s good

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