Plant-based meat was all the rage. Now plant-based fish is taking the spotlight

When are we going to start seeing meat based vegetable substitutes?

I demand “BaCorn” and mini chicken nugget “Chick-peas”!

The revolution is coming! I hear the screams of the vegetables, carrot juice is murder!


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I eat pea protein. I’m allergic to soy. A lot of the newer meat substitutes are made of pea protein.

Why does this bother you so much?

I am bothered more by Veganism and Vegans than veganism and vegans.

Meat substitutes transfer control from consumers and farmers to big corporations. Farmers are suffering all over world already.

Problem is these big corporations seek wide scale top-down policy changes. Dangerous interventionism. Want natural meat outlawed calling it not sustainable. Call meat substitutes environment friendly. They are anything but. Plant-based and alternative meats are lot more energy and resource intensive. Since they rely heavily on inputs from large scale industrial monocultures. Heck lot more than natural real meats.

You can always go for some egg whites or chicken :wink:

I’m allergic to egg whites and I think chicken is disgusting. I also don’t like eating animals.

Most farming is not humane.

We will have to agree to disagree.

I was just joking.

I never intended to turn you away from veganism.

I was never persuaded.

I’m not laughing.

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