Paranoid schizophrenia?

I don’t even know where to begin, ok. I have this problem where I think people are thinking im looking at them inappropriately (sexually) I am 99% sure that I’m not, but it is RUINING my life, I can’t look at a person properly when I talk to them, when I do, I’m looking them dead in the eye but for some reason I think that I’m looking else-ware, (even with peripheral vision) and I think that they think I am also. I’m embarrassed and ashamed, I’ve never told anyone… its causing me to become depressed and anxious… i’ve faught through this problem for years… i don’t think i can deal with this any more. I don’t want to leave the house. can this be fixed? how do i make it stop

my friend sweep has this problem as well, maybe not exactly the same but similar

she said it never goes away only small bit of time when it’s not at the top of her mind.

Her friends tell her she does not look give out sexual looks to them, her psychiatrist and cpn

have also said that she does not do this, it is a constant battle because no matter how much reassurance people give her sweep believes 100% that this is what she does.

What do i do? I have never told anyone… i cant live like this any more. Im booked in with my doctor and im going to try see a phsyc, can’t they give me meds or something… i need this to stop!

Is this a form of schizophrenia??

You could always look elsewhere like these guys…

I’m no expert but it sounds like something that could be in line with OCD. I read a book about intrusive thoughts that covered some people who were afraid of looking at others in an inappropriate sexual way. Not exactly what you have but similar. Could also be a schizophrenic delusion.

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Interesting. I also have other bad habbits (looking up every 30 seconds) and rubbing my hand across my mousepad. Anoying… but not life ruining. I avoid being in public at all costs… im loosing all my friends because i wont leave my house…

I was Jest Keeding with my boob post…

Hope you get the help you need.

Take care… :slight_smile:

LOL! I love that guy =)

I’ve never heard of this but for sure there’s something psychotic going on in there. You can’t lose anything if you tell this to a psychiatrist. You can also practice simple eye contact with family members. If you haven’t told this to anyone, you could perhaps tell it to your sister and ask her if she notices something. Or your mom?

  1. Get a copy of this book and read it. Have your family read it, too. NOW.

  1. Get properly diagnosed by a board-certified psychopharmacologist who specializes in the psychotic disorders. One can find them at…
  1. Work with that p-doc to develop a medication formula that stabilizes your symptoms sufficiently so that you can tackle to the psychotherapy that will disentangle your thinking from reality effectively. The best of the therapies for that currently include…


MBSR – Welcome to the Mindful Living Blog

ACT – ACT | Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

MBBT – An Introduction to Mind-Body Bridging & the I-System – New Harbinger Publications, Inc

10 StEP – Pair A Docks: The 10 StEPs of Emotion Processing

I’m willing to seek help, but sharing this symptom with my family… I will die before I do that.

Oh so sorry about that. It’s just that most people would tell their family first. I don’t know your age. Try talking to a psychiatrist asap. There’s nothing to be ashamed about. If you’re a guy, most guys are like that anyway. Just because you think there’s something wrong with the way you stare at people doesn’t mean it really is. It’s probably just in your head.

It sounds like it could be a hormonal imbalance. I doubt mental problem.

Definately Ocd symptom. Many schizophrenics also have OCD

As Don Henley asked, “How bad do ya want it?” I had to be willing to give up everything. I had to be willing to look however I looked to whoever was sitting at the “judges table.” And ask myself, “Does what they think matter if I am going to die for it?”

Suggested reading (regardless of what anyone else thinks):

First, talk to a psychiatrist openly about your worries, he/she won’t judge.

Second, even if you are looking elsewhere with peripheral vision, this may not be such a bad thing as it seems to you. People are ‘checking eachother out’ all the time, it’s quite normal. Not saying that you are doing this all the time, but just in case you happen to throw a glance elsewhere, it is not that big of a deal to others. Some might even appreciate it. Regardless though, you have real worries about this and they can be treated by a psychiatrist.

I doubt my boss would appreciate if i glanced at him inappropriately while having a conversation (i don’t think i am, maybe… who knows). it happens with both guys and girls, which makes it even more difficult because I’m straight

That’s a good one!!!

It’s like when you don’t want your arm pits to sweat, then you end up with huge pit stains! Because your thinking about it so much, it happens. The brain is a scary little monster… :dragon_face:
Just let it go and if your looking at them sexually, so what…they probably have their own perception and are thinking about food. After awhile you won’t even experience it anymore. Like with the pits.

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High five. (Or… 15 15 15)