Paranoid schizophrenia prognosis

Fortunately, there are effective treatments that can reduce symptoms, decrease the likelihood that new episodes of psychosis will occur, shorten the duration of psychotic episodes, and in general, offer the majority of people suffering from schizophrenia the possibility of living more productive and satisfying lives. With the proper medications and supportive counseling, the ability of schizophrenic persons to live and function relatively well in society is excellent. The outlook for these patients is optimistic.

Ten years after initial diagnosis, approximately fifty percent of people diagnosed with schizophrenia are either noted to be completely recovered or improved to the point of being able to function independently. Twenty five percent are improved, but require a strong support network, and an additional fifteen percent remain unimproved and are typically hospitalized

A decade is a long ■■■■■■■ time though…

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Especially when you’re psychotic.

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True that… just the last two years feels like more than a lifetime… I barely feel connected to the life before that… like it was just some vague dream or past life… this experience now… this is reality. Which is totally backwards

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Hope to be in the 50 percent recovered range. 10 years is heavy on person, but put on some Rocky Balboa montage music and fight it. I got this thought that good exercise will make you more connected with your body and mechanisms.

Time flies when you’re having fun. But seriously, yes a decade is a long time but I’ve been through it, I survived and got better. I’ve actually survived three decades with it. Yes, it’s bad but you have no choice. You have to survive. But my life, as much as it sucks, is more than surviving. I have to get more serious though. Everybody else is.

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Exactly how I feel. My past seems so distant like it never happened.

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