What are the statistics for recovery from schizophrenia? Hoping to make a full recovery. Doing well at moment.
From webmd.com:
How Long Does Schizophrenia Last?
Ten years after diagnosis:
50% of people with schizophrenia are either recovered or improved to the point that they can work and live on their own.
25% are better but need help from a strong support network to get by.
15% are not better. Most of these are in the hospital.
Are the other 10 percent dead?
The lifetime risk of suicide for people with schizophrenia is about 5%,
So what happens to other 5 percent?
I don’t know …
It’s be interesting to know. Interesting article. Do you feel you’ve recovered?
After 11 years I can say that I’m stable. I have very few symptoms, so I’m symptomatic-ly recovered. But I’m not functionally recovered.
Do you have negative symptoms?
Yes. Avolition is the biggest problem I have. That’s the main thing that stops me from functioning. Also I can’t read long walls of text, like a book.
I can focus on audio books not reading a book.
I’m the same I can listen to audiobooks and podcasts etc . I think audiobooks are a good workaround for not having the concentration to read.
Yeah I agree. 121212
After almost 20 years I am stable, but not recovered. My old meds stopped working a few years ago and I became psychotic. Switched to new meds and am stable again. I know that without meds I will become unwell, so I don’t considered myself recovered, to me recovered means I could be med free.
I think I’ve read elsewhere that 10% of sz’s die by suicide.
Yeah I think I have to.
Also read that a third get better.
A third get better but have symptoms as some times.
And a third don’t get better.
Hard to know what articles are accurate.
Depends on how you define recovery. This comes up a lot. To me a full recovery would be zero symptoms, not needing meds and full functioning. And full functioning means supporting yourself, living independently, and being part of regular society with all it entails.
But recovery means different things to different people.
I don’t know but I have gotten alot worse as times gone on
I improved a lot since being on meds but not as good as before sz. I was top of my classes, finished 99% in organic chemistry, 98% calculus, was invited to math competitions by teachers to win 10 000$ etc Now I feel much dumber, I can only handle low stress jobs. I will try to return to my previous job.
I feel a lot better. My symptoms were really bad from 2008 till 2016 and I was on two antipsychotics and I still heard voices. I am now on just a 5 mg haldol pill and no longer hear voices and I think I made quite a bit of improvement from my 20s. I believe in a few years it will be even better. Hopefully one day I can become med free!