Paranoid or not

Im going to ignore my jackass neighbors paranoid or not.I simply just do not care anymore.


I’ll talk it over with my therapist. I’m really tired of wasting my thoughts on them.

Why do you think your wasting your thoughts on your therapist?

I meant to say wasting my thoughts on the neighbors. Sorry lol

Do you ever talk about this to your landlord?

I’ve thought about it. If he were to yell extremely loud at me again like he did in september i might consider. Some here seem to thinknim being paranoid. Ive never known an external voice to be that loud coming from above for it to be my imagination

Do you have any neighbors who also complain?

Not that I know of

Maybe talk with them and see if they are having a problem with the neighbors you said are loud.


Depends on circumstances.

Have you tried earplugs/earmuffs?

They make some for target practice which are quite effective at blocking loud outside sounds.


In relation to what @twinklestars says, I used to use earmuffs when I needed them
and they helped me to a certain degree.
I used to get triggered by outside voices.
The earmuffs helped me to a certain degree.


I have headphones.i fall asleep pretty fast