The neighbors need to get a hobby

Maybe that way they wouldn’t 'have the time to sit around all day bothering me.

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They don’t work?

Hey @77nick77 Just my feedback on this for what it’s worth.

When you live in an apartment, you are going to hear the neighbors to varying degrees above you, below you, next door to you, etc. How much you hear your neighbors will depend on several things: (1) the quality of the apartment construction and soundproofing, (2) how loud your neighbors are (tv, music, voice volume, walking loudly, etc.), and (3) how noise sensitive you are.

You really only have direct control over the 3rd item and how you manage that (e.g. wear ear plugs/head phones, use a fan or your own music to drown out the neighbors noise, etc.)

Also, something you seem to be experiencing that is different from people who are noise sensitive but who don’t have schizophrenia, is that you are attributing intent behind the neighbors’ noise (i.e. that the neighbors are intentionally being noisy as a way to control you or to harass you). Can you work with your pdoc and therapist to try to figure out a way to address this?


Honestly @77nick77 it sounds as if you could be symptomatic a bit.
Maybe it’s time to reach out to your doctor?

You don’t want things to escalate


My neighbors get loud sometimes and I think they are screwing with me but lately I don’t care


I agree


Some neighbours just don’t care. It isn’t always so we imagine things, but we should ofcourse be suspicious of ourselves.

Where I lived before was troublesome. But in my current flat I have no complaints for two years.

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I used to believe that my neighbors were stalking me and would stand outside my window at night saying mean things to me, I even used to believe my next door neighbor was a serial killer. I hope all that doesn’t return with me having to stop the invega.

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